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Poe In > Power + Coax Out? Any such animal?

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Anyone aware of a media converter that will allow me to take a CAT5 ethernet cable (which terminates at a PoE switch), and break it out to Power + Coax? The idea would be a device that would allow me to power a legacy analog CCTV camera via ethernet (PoE). Looked at Veracity, it appears they do the opposite of what I am looking to accomplish.


Thanks in Advance



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Anyone aware of a media converter that will allow me to take a CAT5 ethernet cable (which terminates at a PoE switch), and break it out to Power + Coax? The idea would be a device that would allow me to power a legacy analog CCTV camera via ethernet (PoE). Looked at Veracity, it appears they do the opposite of what I am looking to accomplish.


Thanks in Advance




I don't have the PoE spec in front of me but you'd need something to step down the power and something to trick the PoE switch into thinking the other end is a PoE device.

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