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Am I experiencing Ground Loop Issues? (With Pics & Video

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Hello everyone I need some help once again.

We had a crazy ass 18 wheeler do some massive damage on my dad's property and we played back the video to see if we can catch the culprit.

Luckily we were able to capture the bad guy, but we had some quality issues with the video. I have taken a few snap shots so ya'll can see for yourselves.

I can also provide video if anyone wants to see the issue in motion but bascily i have black lines being dragged across the video. This happens during viewing and playback. It didnt happen at first and then about 1 week after the install it started happening every now and then. Then it stopped again and started again......so yeah you get the point.

Anyways here are the pictures and hopefully someone can help me out.

More infomation availiable upon request. Its a PC based DVR with software compression DVR card.


By the way this is just a temporary setup, comments or suggestions are more than welcome![/img]





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You need to put that on Youtube!!!


I do not know your setup.


Is it only on one channel, or is it on all channels?


If it is on one channel then try to unmount the camera, and use something to isolate the camera from what it was mounted to.


This would only matter if the camera is mounted to a metal building, or a pole or such. This is where ground loops can form.


Building to building is the worse to create ground loops.


You can buy inline devices that may cure the ground loop.




There is a possiblilty that the lines can be fed from a central power supply.


You would have to disconnect all but one camera to see if the lines disappear. You may have to get a wall wart transformer to test this theory as well.

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  scorpion said:
You need to put that on Youtube!!!


I do not know your setup.


Is it only on one channel, or is it on all channels?


If it is on one channel then try to unmount the camera, and use something to isolate the camera from what it was mounted to.


This would only matter if the camera is mounted to a metal building, or a pole or such. This is where ground loops can form.


Building to building is the worse to create ground loops.


You can buy inline devices that may cure the ground loop.




There is a possiblilty that the lines can be fed from a central power supply.


You would have to disconnect all but one camera to see if the lines disappear. You may have to get a wall wart transformer to test this theory as well.


I don't know how to convert it from the DVR format to AVI or anything so I will just post a EXE to view the video shortly.


Currently as this is a temporary setup, it is on around 5-7 of 13 channels, and the about 4 channels are VERY VERY bad with the issue. The cameras outside are mounted to bricks, and the frame of the building is metal on the outside walls and the interior corridors are wood framing.

It happens on some of the cameras on the inside as well.

Also yes they are connected to a central power supply, 18 channel, 9 AMPs. I will try the wall wart solution tomorrow if time permits.

I don't know if it is just me or what, but I re routed the coax wires ends where it connects to the computer away from the power wires and what not as much as I could and it seemed to help solve the problem, I'll test this "theory" more tomorrow when I get a chance.


Oh and let me upload that video. What happened was the 18 wheeler guy tresspassed onto the property by removing/running over the barricades and then ran over the curbs and damage that and the grass and then he tried to make a U-Turn and knocked down a 20+ foot light pole and completely knoced the foundation of the light pole out of place.

The estimated damages were around $7,000+ with all labor and materials.




Alright here is the video, just download and open the EXE and then hit the Magnify glass to make bigger.



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I am sure you have to upgrade to a real DVR or a real good PC card.


Question, do you recognize the logo on the truck? Have to be able to contact that company?

The company who dith this is Startransport http://www.startransport.com/

They have Logs so they can see witch truck was in your arrya.

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  Rebco said:
I think bad compression.


I have to agree, You need to get a better card. but what cameras are you using?


Those cameras are some cheap ones



* Weatherproof housing

* Image device: 1/3-inch Sony CCD

* Horizontal definition: 480 lines

* Minimum illumination: 0 lux (infrared on)

* Number of infrared lights: 30 units

* Infrared range: 18-20m

* Power adapter: DC12V/500mA

* Size: 154 x 90 x 70mm

  cocacola said:
I am sure you have to upgrade to a real DVR or a real good PC card.


Question, do you recognize the logo on the truck? Have to be able to contact that company?

The company who dith this is Startransport http://www.startransport.com/

They have Logs so they can see witch truck was in your arrya.


Yup we got the company, and are in the process of getting a claim, at first they denied it until we got the police involved. But yeah thanks for getting the information.


Also as far as getting a good PC Card, what is a good PC card that can go up to atleast 24 channels of video and one channle audio at D1 or 640x480 resolution and has removte view? I have searched everywhere and cant find anything reasonable! I can get stackable cards if anyone can suggest me any where to buy em for a good price. Thats the main reason why I havent been able to use Geovision or Avermedia.

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