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Ron Beck

user manual for KTl cctv dvr

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Got a used system but no instructions. Have not yet figured out the motion detection piece so that it will only record motion. Does anyone know how to contact KTl for a manual of instructions? KTL4405G160 with 4 cameras


Not very high tech so really need some basics. Thanks

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I am not familiar with that model number, but in the past I saw a lot of KTL DVRs that were AVTech DVRs rebranded. Go to this website, and see if you see your DVR in the pictures:





There is company that sells the KTL DVR as the 4002, the 4004, the 4005.


These are the AVTech AVC 780, the AVC 774, the AVC 772.


You may have one of the AVTech DVRs if you are lucky.


If you can match your DVR to one on this website then you can download the manual.


Where did you buy the DVR? I can go to their website, and see if I can find a manual for you.


Good luck!

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As stated above the KTL "brand" was more or less imports such as AV tech plastered with a KTL sticker.

I'd suggest calling Security Cameras Direct 800-316-6027 or Northern Video Systems 800-366-4472 as both of those companies were moving quite a bit of that equipment.


~ Regards

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Hey Chromatic!


You gave away my source!! LOL!


Sec Cam Dir does not buy these DVRs anymore, but they sure do have a lot of them in stock!!!


It is interesting as I noticed that they are peeling the KTL logo off of them now! Strange? I guess the contract is up!

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Hey Chromatic!


You gave away my source!! LOL!


Sec Cam Dir does not buy these DVRs anymore, but they sure do have a lot of them in stock!!!


It is interesting as I noticed that they are peeling the KTL logo off of them now! Strange? I guess the contract is up!


Hey Scorp!


Sorry to steal your thunder haha

I'm sure we'll start seeing them stickered as Sinyo or Palco next

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Thanks much for your help! It looked like the 780 model but the info did not seem to match so we downloaded two manuals and between the two have figured it out. I have the phone number as a backup if we need further assistance. Really appreciate the sharing of the knowledge as we were working in the dark! This forum is great. Lots to learn! Thanks again to both of you.

I hope I am doing this right. Forgive me if I don't as I am a beginner to the max.

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I apologize. typo when I put the model # in....It was the 4005. Took your help and used your site to get one of the 4 channel DVR manuals which saved me. So, no wonder you did not recognize it as it does not exist! As it was used, came in a box without any instructional help. Thanks again for your help.

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Before the AVTech models that they have out today I really liked the DVR 4005NXX (XX = Harddrive size).


I was looking forward to adding a "new" model number to the site!


Oh well! Next time!

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