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Okay - I need detailed input on the best DVR GUI out there. Throw everything at me from; ease-of use (end user and installer), to browser-based, to a wish list of what's missing in what is out currently out there. I want specific examples - if anyone can provide exposed links to some and I want opinions on what the best DVR GUI is and why. What type of PTZ controls are best in the GUI and why? What features are best and why? Wishlist of features?


Obviously there is only so much real estate in a GUI, but please brainstorm with me here.


Sounds like a silly question - I know - but, please amuse me.


Thank you guys - I know you'll help!

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are you talking about the network software? If so, something that can fit in a plasma display


Honestly I like the Kalatel WaveReader gui "type" - simple, normal windows style. Only thing is, though they have the great disk analysis, it could be a lot better, search by date time in easy reach .. record to CD (drag & drop). Dont like windows explorer type GUIs like Ive seen in many network ones. Dont like to have to go through drop down menus, like buttons, simpler. Up/Down on buttons is okay for selections also. Right Click edit image with installed image/paint program. Cntrl+Left Click to select groups of cameras, right click to do certain things like save, burn to CD, Copy to USB. More views such as PIP in network software.


I dont like flashy colors etc, im only concerned in seeing the video.I hate cheesy looking icons!


if you're talking bout the actual DVR itself, then GUI is only used in PC based systems (windows), as stand alone embedded (non windows ones) dont have any GUI, buttons on the front of the DVR control everything.


For browser based, havent yet seen one that impressed me ... jave is a plus though. Ofcourse im Biased as i have my own, just wish I could get it to work with java!



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