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Camera filters?

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Newbie here. I have been reading and searching the forum for info on possible filters for cameras. I have a Q-see system DVR is the QSTD2408 commercial series with a 500gb HD and 8 QSC48030 outdoor cameras with a separate 12v power panel for the 8 cameras. (not a Costco system). The system is working great (still learning all its features). The pictures on my 55" Sony TV are great as are the recorded playback ones (can't really tell much difference between the live view ones and the recorded ones). The problem I am having is that two of the cameras tend to "wash out" at certain times of the day which I attribute to our constant sunlight (Phoenix, AZ). The cameras that do this are aimed at the Northeast corner of the house and the Northwest corner of the house. The ones aimed at the Southeast and Southwest are fine. When the sun comes up in the am on the Northeast corner that camera washes out and when the sun gets higher in the sky the Northwest one gets washed out and they both stay somewhat washed out all day. I have the hoods pulled out all the way. I have changed the cameras around with other "perfect" picture ones and they still wash out so it is not the camera itself. Do they make filters like used on regular picture type camera that might help this?

Thanks in advance for any help with this.


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As soon as sun hits the glass window it's going to wash out. Make a longer shade and/or point the camera down a bit.


I had to make a 6" long sunshade for my north-facing outdoor camera. It looks ridiculous but the image is perfect throughout the day.

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I crossed the two cameras in question and now the washed out look is gone, must have been light reflecting on the glass covers.

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