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Geovision Data Capture v3e and printer

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I have gv-800 and i also have a data capture v3e.

Now everything is working fine. The problem is that

I have to print the recipt in order for v3e to capture the

transaction. I was wonderring that it could be by pass.

In other words can i have it without printing all the recipts.

I mean just when the till opens then the data gets transfers to the

capture screen. If any one can help me with this that would be grate




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Hi Pat,


We install about 10 of these a month and the only way to do this is to connect it to a different serial/parallel port and then configure your POS software to use a Pole Display.


POS-X has some relatively inexpensive pole displays for about $125 for serial or parallel. Peruse eBay or even Craigslist Web sites and you might find some pretty cheap.


I can walk you thourgh the POS configuration, if it's something we've integrated before.

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Be very very carefull using pole displays...you are correct that this then make the POs system doa line by line display..but often pole displays are powered through the serial port...IE some pins have say 5v this will kill the data box...ideally this is not the way to do things as most POS systems are now a PC so they really dont support serial based output anymore, instead the use a secondary monitor for customer display..also printers are moving towards USB...capturing a data stream is not a good way to build a database at any rate...what you see on the pole display is limited info...IE just small lien print of the sale...you really want to link the POS systems dtabase to your video without data capture.....any decent POS sytem will link all terminals to one machine and create a database here....most of these dtabases are already searchable by the POS back office machine...you simply integrate the DVR's sdk playback so that interigating the database willthen link to video pop up...then no need for data boxs at all

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