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DVR is stuck

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I have lorex dxr209 DVR that is stuck due to some reason. When I plugin the power supply to DVR, it comes on and all the light indicators stay on. I dont know if its hard drive issue or something wrong whitin the dvr hardware.


It was connected to 4 cameras and the dvr was configured for motion detection..


Wanted to see how i can fix this...thanks

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You have an AVTech AVC 776.


I like this DVR as is easy to setup, and they run forever.




Did you have it plugged in to line filtration, (not surge suppresion)?

Dvrs require line conditioning, and this might be the start of the problems.


I am going out on a limb here as I cannot see the DVR in my hands.


It is not the hard drive as it will continue to operate although it would not record.


The lights all on is a sign that it is locked up. If you have pulled the cord to the DVR, and then replugged it back in then this would normally take care of this problem.


You have a blown power supply if the above does not fix it. Lets hope that the problem is in the power adapter. It is a 12 volt 3 amp, and a 5 volt 6 amp power supply. You can use another DVR power supply that has those voltages, but you will have to cut off your cord end (DVR end), and attach this to the new power cord.


Here is an AVTech power supply



Have you tried a hardware reset?



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Thanks but cant find the hardware reset jumpers. Is the system reset jumpers located on the 777M mother board? I am seeing the "JP1" and "JP2" on the AV732E v1.2 but JP1 are just dots on the circuit board and JP2 has a power connector.


Are you sure dxr209 suppose to have "sys reset" option?



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I take my previous post back. I did see the sys reset on 777M motherboard and I tried using the phillip screw driver (like shown in the article) to short the ends. The screw driver didnt work coz one of the contact was in a hole where screw driver could not reach. So I used a u clip instead and that did work.


So performing hardware reset got my dvr back to normal and now I am back in business... Thank you so much for your advise... Thanks one more time..

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