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How to set a pan on DM Speed Dome.

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I was helped here before to understand or new DVR, so when I had a camera problem I knew where to turn.


We have 2 new Dedicated Micros Speed Dome cameras. One simply goes from one preset to the next endlessly unless someone is looking at something. I have that under control.


With the other camera, we are used to having it pan back & forth since there are few specific spots to watch, but roads and walkways there.


The "AUTOPAN" is too fast, and spends 1/2 the time looking at the wall.


I have figured out the "PATTERN" method, recording the movement back/forth, but am unable to get the speed smooth, and it pauses in an irritating manner after the pattern. We are using that for now.


The manual says several places that "In the Tour mode, in conjunction with preset and Auto Scan, you can make the camera travel from a preset position to another preset position at a specific speed".


Sounds good to me - but that is ALL it says on the subject as far as I can find.


Can someone tell me how to program the camera to travel from preset "A" to preset "B" and back again, then do it again and again..... and set the speed?


Use small words, point at the correct buttons, rub my nose in it if you like. I'm a true moron at this.

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  HalOfBorg said:
I was helped here before to understand or new DVR, so when I had a camera problem I knew where to turn.


We have 2 new Dedicated Micros Speed Dome cameras. One simply goes from one preset to the next endlessly unless someone is looking at something. I have that under control.


With the other camera, we are used to having it pan back & forth since there are few specific spots to watch, but roads and walkways there.


The "AUTOPAN" is too fast, and spends 1/2 the time looking at the wall.


I have figured out the "PATTERN" method, recording the movement back/forth, but am unable to get the speed smooth, and it pauses in an irritating manner after the pattern. We are using that for now.


The manual says several places that "In the Tour mode, in conjunction with preset and Auto Scan, you can make the camera travel from a preset position to another preset position at a specific speed".


Sounds good to me - but that is ALL it says on the subject as far as I can find.


Can someone tell me how to program the camera to travel from preset "A" to preset "B" and back again, then do it again and again..... and set the speed?


Use small words, point at the correct buttons, rub my nose in it if you like. I'm a true moron at this.


I have done this on a few installs but i set it up on the dvr side.


1. Setup all your presets up first, then access the tours menu on the dvr / PTZ dome


2. there should be settings there to select within the tour which preset to goto and how long to set the dwell time bedore moving to the next one.


3. some domes also have setting for the speed of which to goto preset.


4. once done, start the tour by the DVR/Keyboard and that should do it..

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SEE? I TOLD ya this place has the answers.


Now our camera pans back and forth, nice and slow. Of course, if I just set point 'A' and point 'B' and have it tour between the two the stupid thing takes the shortest path and shows us the WALL. (camera is on corner of building)


SO.... I have it travel from A to B to C, back to B, then A............


It pauses for 3 seconds (minimum dwell time) at all three points - but it works out OK as 'B' is a good spot. And the SLOW pan lets the "slow shutter' work about 90% of time.



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