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Can't control PTZ cameras after changing the computer system

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Hey Guys


Thanks for taking the time to read my post!


Here is my situation:

I have a 12 camera system which uses the PICO 2000 Premium DVR card. Out of the 12 cameras, I have 10 PTZs. Four of them are Elmos and six are Pelcos. Btw, how do I know if I am using a Pelco P or Pelco D protocol?


Here is my problem. Recently, I had to replace my computer system since it was getting REALLY old and was starting to give me problems.


So, while shopping around for a motherboard, we asked UCL Technologies, the company which makes the DVR card, if we could connect the PTZ controller, which is a

RS-232 to RS-485 Adapter, through a USB to RS232 adapter as the motherboard we looked at had only one com port. They supposedly tested it and it worked for them, but it has not worked for me!


I haven't been able to control the PTZ cameras and the program says that the PTZ server is not available! UCL tried to help me out, but ultimately they gave up and left me to figure it out.


I connected one PTZ camera to the control and disconnected the USB to RS232 adapter. Upon restarting the program, I was able to control the camera, but after I un-clicked the mouse button, I loose control of the camera and have to restart the program again with the same results.


Any help will be sincerely appreciated, I have spent MANY LONG hours trying to figure this out and am loosing my mind and am out of ideas! I tried to find the initial installer, but it seems like he is no longer in the business.




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Actually, Survtech


I gave it some more thought and I realized something.


Since there are two different PTZ protocols, Pelco and Elmo, we are using two RS-232 to RS-485 Adapter. One of them connects directly through the computer's com port and the other one connects through a USB to RS232 adapter. Even if I only use the com port connection, I am having the same problem...


Do you still think that I should try the USB-to-RS485 adaptor?

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Are you sure the RS232 port is set properly for the PTZ's that are connected to it? Is the port enabled in BIOS?


I'm kind of surprised that you could set PTZ control for two different ports simultaneously. I've never tried that since all our PTZ cameras are Pelco's. I guess it would depend on your control software.


In fact, I'm somewhat surprised you could use USB ports for PTZ control at all, since I've never seen any settings for bitrate, parity and stop bits for them.

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Thx for replying.


I am not sure if the port is enabled in the BIOS, didn't check there, will check it out when I go over.


The PTZs were set up before by someone else long before. I just tried to duplicate the setup after I put in a new computer. The controls were also working fine before through two different Com Ports.


Regarding running the control using the USB port, I had asked the DVR manufacturers if it would work and they supposedly tested it and told me that it would work. But now he's given up on trying to solve the problem.

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K, I was trying to figure out the Baud Rate and everything we talked about, but then I realized that a year ago, I had to re-install the security system and I didn't have to play w/ any of those settings. I just re-installed the program, enabled the PTZ and away It was still running on Win 2000 then.


Will keep trying though, I guess... btw, thanks for your time!

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I seem to recall that Windows XP handles comm ports differently than Windows 2000. Maybe also try disabling your firewall, at least as a test.

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Alright.... I cracked my head all over the place today and I almost installed Win 2000 back onto my comp, but I decided to rethink my approach one last time.


I figured out that if I plugged in the RS-232 to RS-485 and then the USB, then the PTZ server won't work, but if I plug them in reverse order after restarting the computer, then it will work, but if I restart the computer, then I loose control again.


So, tomorrow I am going to go buy me another USB To RS-323 or a USB to RS-485 and see if they can co-exist in harmony, hahah!


Will keep you posted!

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You would be better served to install a 2nd serial card so it will have a true com port address and stop using the usb adapter that most likely is your problem.

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haha, I actually went and exchanged the USB for a PCI to serial port card today! Thanks for taking the time to help though, Crirvine!! Will post again in a couple days time!

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Hey, I am back!


Sorry, got busy w/ work and life and didn't have time to install the Serial Port card. I managed to get around to it yesterday and IT WORKED! FINALLY! Alright, that dosen't mean that it went smoothly!


First, I bought a 2 Serial Port and 1 Parallel Port card. The installation went well, but it was very moody, ie, the control was choppy! I tried updating the driver, re-installing the cards to no avail.


Then I went around looking for another card, this time w/out the Parallel Port and was able to find it in a smaller computer store. It worked like a charm.


Problem solved, PHEW!


Lesson Learnt:

A) USB to RS232 adapter does work, but ONLY w/ one protocol. The driver provided by the manufacturer will convert the USB to a com port.


B) Don't buy a fancy Serial and Parallel Port card.



Thanks for the help guys!

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