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changing ip problem

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I have a 8800 dvr and I want to use it remotly over the internet.

I have a router for my adsl internet and static ip.

1- is there a ip for my dvr ?(how can I change it?)

2- i use diginet software 4.* (where can I download newer one?)


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dude... what is a "8800 DVR" ???


Please be more specific to brand and provide details for reference.


Maybe Kodicom DVR cards???

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sorry it is a dvr880 8ch but there is no brand on it I found it in my drivers.

dvr880 is like kmc-8800 so i did a mistake.

my brand is dvr-880 8ch and I want to use it remotly.

where can I find software and driver updates for it.

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You'll probably need to set your DVR to obtain an IP through DHCP, and allow your router to assign it the IP... then set the router up to forward the necessary port(s) to the DVR's IP.

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how do I set my dvr to obtain a IP address through DHCP?


There should be a "network" or similar section in the DVR's setup menus (sorry, I've never dealt with one of the ones you have, and I don't have a manual, so I can't be any more specific), that will allow you to either assign an IP address, or allow it to "obtain IP automatically", or words to that effect. DHCP (or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is the method by which systems obtain IPs "automatically".


I have a datasheen adsl/router modem.

I browse but my router doesn't have any page to configure port forwarding.


Well again, without a manual, I can only guess at your problem... are you sure that's the correct address for your router?

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I found ipforwarding way for my router.

my dvr system has ip No : and my router has No: and I have a static ip on internet No: 87.x.x.x

I forwarded port no 80 to ip No : and it is ok but whenever I browse 87.x.x.x on internet it opens my router configuration page.

so please help me.


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Your router's remote-configuration option is probably set to port 80. Find that option and either change the port, or disable remote configuration.

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