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Samsung Net I

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I'm currently trying to setup a system using Samsung SHR 5042 DVR. Everything run smoothly at site. Due to my ISP using dynamic IP....i used free no-ip service to redirect my system. My problem is when using Net I for remote viewing.....after a few times login using Net I from different location...."Exceed the maximum user" or something like that (i cant remember the correct one) will appear. At that time actually only 1 user connected to the system. Once the problem arise....the only way to connect back is to change the port number at the DVR.


My question....

1. what actually happen?

2. how can i avoid the same issue?

3. is it the dvr problem or others (router/pc/no-ip service/net i)

4. which is the best version of Net I (for your info i got 2 version of Net I...1.0 and 1.3)


Hope somebody can assist me....thanks in advance...

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