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Made it back from Baghdad Iraq!!!!

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Just wanted to let everyone know i made it back safe and sound in one piece.It was a pleasure reading and learning all that i can from the professionals on this site.Without you guys i wouldn't have a clue and probably would've bought one of those box systems and been highly disappointed.You guys inspired me so much that i've started on my own time putting together home security system packages for different members in my families homes.I laid out,assembled,installed and programmed my own Ademco Vista 20P security system and it was a blast and i've been bitten by the security/cctv bug.My electronics/electrical engineering certification has help tremendously combined with the page after page knowledge from you great folks on here.I look forward to learning all that i can from you guys here.Thank you and God Bless!!!!!!

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welcome back......................I was there on the first run............place is da pits.


And thanks for your Service for our country...

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Thank you VST.This was my second tour.First tour 13 months,this tour 15 months with already a general probable return date.

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Did two trips to the desert as a doc... but I missed OIF (took part in Southern Watch, OIJ, and a GWOT SWA deployment).


Good to have you back.

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