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MODEL AVTEC 760A - According to you, Good choice ?

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I have a AVTEC 760A, about you, is it a good



Let me know please





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Only you can answer that question.


If the purchase is based on price then the AVTech is a great choice.


If you are specifying D1 at 30FPS then the AVTech would not be the right choice.


I am "forced" to sell the AVTech AVC 760A based on my clients "net worth", and what they are willing to spend.


I love the AVTech products, and have used them for a long time. I recently purchased back a Comet 4 (a rebranded AVC 732). It is 5 years old, and still running!


I like the AVC 760A for multi store owners such as sub shops ect as the business owner can view all of his stores with one computer at the same time.


I have taken an AVC 760 (not an A) on purpose, and I slammed it on the floor, and it still worked. I do not know how, but it survived!


Another reason why I like it is because it is easy for me to teach the common person how to use it.

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very thanks scorpion


I post a question on forum PC

about, how record the sound, I'm on ch1 and

my cam have sound


Have you an idea


very thanks again

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