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C7 in CA

Wireless monitoring for law enforcement

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I caught the last minute or so of an interesting story on my local news channel.


It showed a police cruiser rolling through a strip mall parking lot. As he drove past the stores he would look over to his monitor and see multiplexed camera shots of the interior of the store. This was somewhere in the Bay area in Northern California, USA. Is this technique being used elsewhere?

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the store must be paying some heavy taxes for that ...


accident involving patrol car does come to mind though ...

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just outside the tanning salon...

YES, this technology is used ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE! Thanks again to the media for revealing tactics...

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Does anyone know how this works? Is it a simple 802.11 link? Is it all proprietary, or can it be deployed easily with off the shelf technology? I know they would need a Networked DVR, wireless link, client software, laptop, anything else?


I'm guessing all premises use a common SSID. But I'm wondering how much effort the cops have to go through to connect. Do they just drive within range and magically have a picture, or do they have to log in and all that?

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It could be easily done with a wireless video/audio sender off the video/monitor output of the dvr. Not a good way to do it because of security (or the lack thereof) issues.


A remote desktop using 802.11x would also work just fine. Clarity could be an issue, but it would work.


Actually, many police forces have high speed internet in their squad cars. If that was the case, then it is just a matter of giving them whatever access you wanted them to have. Using a web client they could just then log in. I know a city near me has high speed access capability including fairly large monitors in all thier squad cars.


Another option is what you saw was staged for television.

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