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Some Advice Please - need to replace a dvr and camera setup

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Hi ,


I am looking for a dvr solution ,and would appreciate any advice.


Things i need it to have


*4-8 channels

*h264 compression or better with at least 120fps -240fps

* remote viewable from a web browser and application.

*remote viewable from a blackberry or iphone(most important)

*remote viewable from a mac osx if possible

*at least room for 1TB of storage prefably SATA

*Cost between $500 and $1500 (the lower the better)

*web browser control runs in flash or java and is viewable in firefox or even safari.(my mac hates active x)


I currently have a Intellicam 8 channel GLX DVR which works reasonably well, however it can only be viewed via internet explorer via activeX which limits it tremendously.


Cameras -


The cameras i currently have are VC-CA-IR100-6 from the security store -

they are reasonable in the daylight and ok at night but not that great imo,

could not pick out facial features from 20 ft at night operation.


Loooking for a variable focus camera or even a ptz camera that operates well in night mode for outdoor use.

The Ptz camera should allow me to set up automated runs to monitor zooming in and out.

The less obtrusive the better

cost per camera between $100 and $500



appreciate any help

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