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DVR vs. PC based systems

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I am looking for a serious and professional opinion about the differences between a DVR stand alone and a PC based system like GeoVision or similar.


I´ve heard opinions like " A PC based system is the choice of a non professional installer".


I´d like to hear your opinions...


The Shark

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I am looking for a serious and professional opinion about the differences between a DVR stand alone and a PC based system like GeoVision or similar.


I´ve heard opinions like " A PC based system is the choice of a non professional installer".


I´d like to hear your opinions...


The Shark


That opinion is garbage. Why would a "professional" want to limit himself like that?


Standalone systems are great for what they are, but they're generally more limited than PC systems - for starters, they're nowhere near as expandable: I have a PC-based DVR in one site with almost 10TB of storage, with three internal 1TB drives and a network-attached RAID with eight more 1TB drives in a RAID-5 configuration for another 6.5TB available.


I haven't yet run across a standalone that supports external storage in any form, be it USB, Firewire, or NAS. I've also not yet run into one that supports more than two internal drives, and most are very picky about specific brands and models.


And the first time you have to enter camera and system names by spinning a jog wheel and tapping on a couple buttons, you'll be cursing the lack of a keyboard...


There's nothing inherently WRONG with a standalone DVR (at least not as a concept; I've run across some pretty poorly-designed and shoddily-built ones), they fill a specific need, primarily that of low cost. There's a small crossover range, but the two really fit different market segments.

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Visimetrics fastar dvr will suppor NAS, although Im not sure if it has to be there own NAS or if you can add any to it.






You can also do all config on a pc, and playback also through the supplied software.


I use both that machine and geovision, both have there plus points, would love a machine with the best of both worlds!

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I am looking for a serious and professional opinion about the differences between a DVR stand alone and a PC based system like GeoVision or similar.


I´ve heard opinions like " A PC based system is the choice of a non professional installer".


I´d like to hear your opinions...


The Shark


Yeah... gotta disagree with your buddy. Soundy is right on.


I'm on my third generation of CCTV in my home... started with a standard non-recording system, went to an embedded DVR, and am now moving to a PC-based NVR.


Embedded systems are good for what they are, but your upgrades are very limited, you don't control the hardware or software, and once they're EOL'd by the manufacturer, you're SOL.


Computing technology, storage density, and value/$ is advancing rapidly in the PC field... far more rapidly than the DVR field.

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