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AVC761 - starts recording as soon as I switch on

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Hi, just got a 761 and when it powers on it automatically starts recording - and to stop it i have to power it off. If I just want to use it as a monitor and occasionally time things to record is it just a case of switching off "manual recording" and turning on "timing"?


Also, the fan is so noisy, am I right in saying that I could take the hard drive out altogether, remove the fan and connect the output to an ordinary dvd recorder - would the unit function correctly without the fan if there was no hard drive?



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Yes, you would go in to



You would turn off manual record.


I find it odd that you would buy a DVR just to use it as a monitor?

A camera connected directly to a TV would provide this function.


You cannot power the DVR down from the front panel. This is to protect business owners from employees, otherwise the employees would turn off the DVR. It can only be turned off through the menu.


Timer record would be a good way to activate it at a time frame, and to stop recording at a time frame.


You could also start recording through the manual record.


The fan is noisy. You could try replacing the fan with one more quite.

Is it the sound of the "wind" blowing through, or do you have bearings that are making noise? A whiring noise is normal, and anything else might be a bad fan.


You can pull the plug on the fan to quite the DVR, and it should not be to much of a problem if the DVR is in a cool zone. If it is 80 degrees, or more then you maybe puttin nails in to the coffin over time without the fan.


I would recommend keeping the fan for the longevity of your DVR.


You would be wasting your time connecting it to a DVD recorder.


Is there somekind of privacy issue that prevents you from recording?

I would tell you to put the DVR in to motion record, and to record all movement. When you have some event then you will have it on the DVR, and then you can transfer this recording to you DVD recorder to give to the person that you need to give it to.

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Thanks very much for your reply Scorpion. Now that I have set up the system properly I am more confident with it. I have turned off all recording (manual, timer, event) so that I can use it as a monitor while I am in the house and set it to record by motion if I go away.


I have also managed to set up the network connecting the DVR to my wireless router and port forwarding (port 75). This is a great feature, unfortunately having to install an active x control prevents you logging on anywhere where you do not have admin rights. But I have been able to view the camera’s from various locations where I do have admin rights.


One more quick question! If I go to my IP address (xx.xx.xx.x:75) on my mobile phone (N95) I get asked for username and password (which are still admin and admin) but when I type these in I get “authorisation failedâ€

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If your DVR uses Video Server E then it is the phone itself.


I went to a Sprint phone store that had many phones activated, and on display.


I could not get the Black Berry, and other "high end" phones to work. The more simple the phone with web access the better my luck with the phone.


I have had problems with the N95, and the Iphone also.


If you DVR uses Video Viewer then you have the new A series, and to my knowledge non of the A series DVRs can be viewed via phone.


AVTech does have a special 3G DVR built for remote cellphone usage though.

Edited by Guest

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Hi Scorpion" My DVR uses Videoviewer. BUT... I have just downloaded the Eagle Eyes and am now viewing my DVR on my Nokia N95!!! It allows me to switch between cameras also. VERY HAPPY!!


One more thing - where can I change the network password (admin/admin) - is this done through the software or the DVR? And I can't find a "Overwrite" setting as shown in the manual - does this mean my AVC761 does not have this feature and the system will simply stop recording when the Hard Drive is full? Thanks again for your help.

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Log in to your DVR through the Video Viewer.

Click on the second icon from the left which looks like pieces of paper on top of paper.


This will open a window called misc control.


Click the icon that looks like a gear on top of a DVR. This will open another window.


Click on the + icon next to general. Now click on Account.

Make a new account. You cannot erase the old one. You will have to relog in to your DVR using the new password. Once you can get in using your new password then you can erase the old one.


I always make an extra password as a back up in case you forget your main one, or somehow yours ends up comprimised then you can erase that account, and set it up with a new password.


Overwrite is under DVR > Record At the bottom of the screen you will see a "radio button" to check for overwrite.




I am really glad to hear that your Nokia N95 works with the Eagle Eyes!


I have not had the time to run down to the Sprint store since the A version came out.


That is good news! Thank you for your input! I love it when I get to learn something new about the Avtech DVRs!


take care,

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Thanks for that great advice especially setting up a second password. In case it helps, the overwrite radial button is in the "record setting" icon (gear on top of camera).


In relation to Eagle Eyes I have only the benefit of seeing it work on my N95 so I'm not sure what it can do on other platforms. On the N95 it shows the quad-camera screen and on the bottom left you have the option to switch from 1-4 or all 4. There are no other options visible but I presume thats because the program is written for phones.


Incidentally, if it helps you, everytime I logon to Eagle Eyes I get about 3 "Parse error Ch:16" errors - each displays for about 2 seconds before the streaming video starts. Not a problem for me but maybe there is some reason for it.


Thanks again for your help. You should write an operational manual for the AVtech and request donations for people that download it by Paypal. It would be easier to understand than the AVtech manual!

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I downloaded the J2ME newer version and loaded it in to a Sprint Fusion made by LG. I connected to one of the first A version DVR that came in, and I had no luck.


On my screen I get




and it just sits there forever.


I connected to one of the recent purchased A version DVRs, and I got a get an error screen as well! At first it says



Login OK


then the error message comes up


se Error on: DVR.Device.CH1


I waited the two minutes, and nothing appears to happen.




I logged in a few times, and that did not help either.

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so you have definitely connected. Your PDA appears not to be able to ignore the Parse error and continue regardless. My N95 seems to say "ok there is a parse error but I will ingore it and carry on!"


Has anyone else got an N95 to try this on - I presume any N95 should work if mine does.


I don't know if this is relevant or not, but I am logging on in a 3g network - is there any chance logging on in a GPRS environment, and therefore more slowly, could cause the failure to continue past the Parse error..

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