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The very best DVR card

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PC = maintenance


PC = Upgradable


so?? Stand alones are upgradable also. ... .. . . . . .


anyway, I can use the service call money right now so im going to start chucking out some PC systems

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There is something about GeoVision that does not quite 'do it' for me. We have a GV-800 purchased from the dealer in Kingston, ON.


I don't know... perhaps it is the software that looks kind of cheap to me. We also have had a jerky motion recording issue from day one, but it is tolerable. The server has locked up a few times as well, but to be expected I guess with Windoze. SCSI drives would be nice of course.


The other consideration at the time of purchasing a DVR card for the office was Video Insight. Perhaps we would have had more luck with them. The software does look more user friendly to me.


One thing that bugs me is typos in software and bad English instructions. It is enough to turn me off and go somewhere else. I am getting more picky as time goes by.

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Well, to defend my Taiwanese friends at I-VIEW, they have a very good english manual for their products.

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Do we have any talent over here in North America, or is everything made in Taiwan?

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It depends by what you mean. I don't know of any Fab plants in the US making capture cards for CCTV use. Tivo has one but they don't do CCTV. Now there are a few software companies in the US. We're one of them, I would guess some of the bigger players have some in the US as well.

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It depends by what you mean. I don't know of any Fab plants in the US making capture cards for CCTV use. Tivo has one but they don't do CCTV. Now there are a few software companies in the US. We're one of them, I would guess some of the bigger players have some in the US as well.


Funny you say that.... We outsource the programming as well....

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It's a trade off, outsourcing the software. Keeping it in house for us has more advantages then moving it out.



If I need something urgently, I can get it within reason. For instance PTZ protocols. If I can get the protocol then I can get a version that supports it within a few days.

Sometimes I need a little one off type of program. I can get it.

If I have a why question, they can answer it. If I need to know how part of the program works, I can ask them.

When they experament I get to see the fruits of it.

If I find a bug, I can show them.


All of these are worth the money to us.

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im toying with video capture now in VB, but looks like it will take a long time to get a very productive product, and alot of money on cameras and Ip products, just worth it to buy it one time from someone that all they do is that ... hey Thomas

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im toying with video capture now in VB, but looks like it will take a long time to get a very productive product, and alot of money on cameras and Ip products, just worth it to buy it one time from someone that all they do is that ... hey Thomas




I hoped to never hear this word again..... I used to.... My GOD.... no..... dont want to remember..... :blocking the memory:


go VC++!

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VB is what I do all my web code in, asp (vbscript) ... so no time to go C++ .. heck no time to do VB right now .. VB is soo easy though ..



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VB is what I do all my web code in, asp (vbscript) ... so no time to go C++ .. heck no time to do VB right now .. VB is soo easy though ..




I hear you It is pretty easy. But when it comes to serious project (and I would categorize surveillance as serious business), you need a lot more features than VB can offer.


But hey.... if it works for you I use it sometimes. I actually use VBA. Its even worse... But it regularly updates my price lists, analizes info, drawing graphs and etc. But its sooo simple

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I haven't seen too much comment in this thread about Digiflower cards and software. Specifically is any familiar with the DF-2000 card?


Dan Fontenot

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Whether a card is a genuine card from a certified distributor as opposed the clones and knockoffs that have been discussed here.


My boss and I have talked it over and we are willing to pay for the "real deal" even if costs an extra couple of hundred dollars per card. We are wanting what is the best situation for the long term.




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One thing that bugs me is typos in software and bad English instructions. It is enough to turn me off and go somewhere else. I am getting more picky as time goes by.


I right a reel manle if sumbody gives me loat of mony.

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It depends by what you mean. I don't know of any Fab plants in the US making capture cards for CCTV use. Tivo has one but they don't do CCTV. Now there are a few software companies in the US. We're one of them, I would guess some of the bigger players have some in the US as well.


May be I should introduce myself to all of you here. I am working with Video Communication Research Inc. (VCR Inc.). The corporate does R&D and manufacture all video capture cards in Canada.

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