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DVR Suggestion with a complete web interface

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I'm looking for a standalone DVR and the following is important to me:


Web Access


  • * I want a complete web interface - I will only use this remotely and can't always install special software to access the system.
    * Mac support is a must - activeX is a no no.
    * I want to see recordings both audio/video over internet and it should work on fairly slow connections (say 386kbps upload) without long load times.
    * Live video over internet is a must, live audio would be nice.




  • * 32 channel Audio/Video recording (I don't mind if it's multiple DVRs as long as all cameras are in a single interface).
    * Hybrid solution, I want to be able to connect both IP and analog cameras.
    * At least 640x480 15fps recording (h264 would be nice).
    * At least 3 months recording capacity (don't mind if it's motion detection)




  • * Audio is especially important, if a person walks away from the frame for a few seconds, I don't want it to stop recording (if using motion detection) - there should be some kind of period it will wait for repeat motion.




  • * Some kind of "event" system would be nice. I want to see say a representative image for short recordings of a person coming in through the door without having to manually select a specific date/time.
    * For continuous recording, would be nice to have an image for every x minutes of recording to be able to click on the image to see recording for that period instead of manually selecting time/date - if that makes sense?
    Can anyone recommend something meets these requirements? - I'm willing to spend a little extra as long as it all works well.

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The only limitation I see to a standalone system here is your retention requirement: up-to-32 cameras, 4CIF @ 15fps, for 90+ days, is going to be a TON of space required.


As an example, I have one site with 23 analog and 5 1.3MP IP cameras, averaging about 4fps per camera (a few at 3, a few at 5), with all but three or four of the analogs recording at 4CIF/D1. Even with motion record on all cameras, they're JUST BARELY getting 90 days retention... with 9.5TB(!!!) of storage in the form of three 1TB drives in the DVR, and an 8x1TB RAID5 NAS array.


To go to 15fps on all cameras, you're quite possibly looking at needing a 16-drive RAID array loaded up with 1.0-1.5TB drives... and you'd need a standalone that supports external storage (be it NAS, USB or firewire).


All that said, you might find a PC-based system running Video Insight worth looking at - it fits all your criteria except for complete DVR management through the web interface, but you can add an open-source VNC server to the machine, and access it either through the web interface some have, or by slipping a VNC client on your remote machine - most have Windows, OSX and Linux clients available.

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