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how much bandwidth is being used when someone remotely logs into the a dvr to view what is going on at their site. Does icamera and dvr settings matter when viewing remotely?


I see alot of DVR's or i guess i can say 99% of them now offer remote access via IE/Firefox. But what type of internet connection is actually needed to actually view what is truly being picked up on the dvr/cameras?


sorry if this is a newbie question... but i am struggling with this and would like to know.

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the faster the connection the better. but there are many factors. remember upload and download speeds are different on most isp's. so if you are watching from a t1 connection but the dvr is on basic dsl with say a 350kbs uploadit may be choppy, i say may because it depends on the dvr, compression, qos, and how much motion is in the picture. by motion i mean a picture of a door that is seldom used will look clearer than a parking lot with cars always moving around. That all being said, I would go with at least dsl or cable on both sides, dial up will not work.

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is it fair to say that using a dvr vs. going ip camera is eaiser in the log run to have mutliple user log in to and view?

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  renz05725 said:
is it fair to say that using a dvr vs. going ip camera is eaiser in the log run to have mutliple user log in to and view?


Not necessarily "easier". If you're running multiple cameras on a site, then a DVR provides a single point of login for all of them, but if it's just one or maybe two cameras, and you don't need to record them (ie. strictly for viewing), then the DVR just adds an extra level of cost and complexity.

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I can log into the IP server and veiw up to the avaliable band width just as easy as a dvr. The system we installed uses alot of band width due to the nature of where it is.

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