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PC Based DVR Setup Suggestions...

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Hi guys. I'm new here. I'm just wondering if anyone can give a newbie some suggestions on a good PC based DVR setup. I already have a decent PC running XP that will do the job..


Here's my setup now (but nothing hooked up yet)


I have a retail store that has cable internet access. I'd like to have about 4 cameras setup and have it record to the HD only when motion is detected day and night. Also I'd like to be able to monitor it from the internet possibly and have it setup so that if it detects motion it also sends off an email of with the screen capture stills.. Right now I have a DVR Card and just picked up a Day/Night IR CCD Camera 1/3" Sharp with 12 Infrared LED Cells. I'm a little confused at all the different DVR card options. Right now I just have a basic DVR card with 4 BCN ports on it and a conextant chipset. I see you can pay over $300 for a DVR card so not sure what all the differences are.


Also I have no idea what software is best to use.. I've heard of PICO and ETHER8000 and a bunch of others.. but no idea what to use.. Not looking to spent much money as I don't think it's required because I'm not looking at a very indepth setup.


I have worked in IT for the last 15 years but the whole PC Based DVR CCTV thing is new to me but with some help I'm sure I can set it up in no time.


TIA for those who can help the new guy on the block.

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generally saying, you should use software wich came with your DVR card

if you have not received any, just write here model and make of your card

since all dvr cards are based on the same chipset by conexant theoretically all programs should work with all cards, practically it is not always truth

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There is 2 manufacturers that are in top of everything, one is from a company called I-VIEW, and the other from a company called GEO.


I, personally, sell the I-VIEW and dropped selling the GEO because of too many customer problems, as for the I-view, I only get phone calls to order more. Look around the forum and see what I meant, and STAY AWAY from eBay, none of those cards are good, expecially that PICO crap, which is a stolen beta software from back in 1999.


The other thing is that GEO, since they are more expensive than the rest, has a piracy problem, so when you see a card that's too good of a deal, then it's probably a fake card.


Plus there is the issue of support, with us, there is uparallel level of support, while with GEO, good luck, it depends who you buy from.


So, check out the forum, and please I know I sound like it, but I am not biased to what I sell, it's just that you install it, and it works, period.

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