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Propaganda or insanity? What do you think?

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I’ll have to admit I really don’t follow world events like I should. After all, I am an uneducated 23 year old. However I can’t help but think about the ever popular media topic: the economy. It seems like I remember hearing about how our economy was going to collapse, how a recession was right around the corner, how we should be more conservative with our investments and so on WAY before I knew of actually problems with our economy. Certainly way before I heard of friends, family, and neighbors loosing their jobs. It seems like the media covered a problem that hadn’t actually happened yet.

So I pose the question for someone much wiser than I: Which came first, the story or the reality of a recession?

I may sound crazy, but I think the story did. I think the media warned of future financial woes and actually started the domino style collapse. People listened and stopped spending. Stopped buying new cars, spent less on entertainment, started buying generic brands, and overall stopped spending as much money. People felt they needed to brace themselves for financial disaster and in the very attempt of self preservation contributed to the economy’s downfall.

So what’s the motive? How about being able to buy up fortune 500 companies for pennies on the dollar? How about being able to literally buy the competition?

What do you think? Am I too far out there or am I on to something?

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23 that is OLD!!!


It was a combination of things people buying houses that could not get a car loan. The inability of the govt to regulate or let incompent business go under. But you are correct best way to have a recession is talk about it.


You will probably go through at least three of these deals in your lifetime. The govt reaction/action will be the same and the system will take a lot longer to recover than it should.


I am in michigan and I think we are qualifing for depression in this state.


the community where we have our business has to have at least 20 per cent unimployment and it is gettiing worse every month.

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my whole life has been a recession ..

rite now its a depression though.


at least in the US you have welfare for the unemployed, we have nothing here, if you have no job you get no money, and therefore starve to death. There is so much opportunity in the US though, i just dont see how people could NOT be making money. So many things I try to sign up for, where I could be easily making good money on, are only available to those in the US or Canada. Even when I find something that does work with other countries, then comes the payment problems. Sucks.

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