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I owe Bill Gate $14.95!

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I was having a panic attack due to the expiration date on the domain name www.scorpiontheater.com.


My wallet was stolen, and I had to receive new bank cards, and it was a race between the arrival of my new bank card, and the URL expiration!


I was about to have a heartattack!


The website URL expired, and I received the bank card the following day!




I have been searching at www.godaddy.com to catch it went it was released to the wild.


I have not seen it, and I thought someone snagged it up rather quickly.


I saw that it was no longer on the market!




I had to see who bought it, and who owned a fine name of a URL!


I did the Godaddy search, and low, and behold it is registered in MY NAME!


Hmmm! Interesting!


Bill Gates was kind enough to pay the renewal tab on the URL!


That was really kind of him! I know $20.00 is "chump change" to him, and he probably spews $20.00 bills out of the holes in is pockets while he walks!


Thank you Bill! I appreciate it!




Create a free website with free hosting here:


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I don't follow...


When a domain expires, it remains "on hold" for a period (usually 60 or 90 days, depending on the TLD), during which time you can still renew it and nobody else can "snatch it up". It will often continue to work for upwards of a month after official expiry, via cached DNS entries.

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I guess I do not make a good "story teller"!


I only used the "registered" date in case someone did a whois.


I was suprised to see a new date for 2010 when I had not renewed myself.


Hey! The milk has todays date, can I still drink it?

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scorp how do you know he paid for it? couldnt it be steve jobs?

or maybe it was soundy??

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I did receive a note identifing that Office Live made a payment.



scorp how do you know he paid for it? couldnt it be steve jobs?

or maybe it was soundy??


LOL! That would be funny if Steve Jobs paid for it! How ironic!

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scorpion, man, you have some very powerful friends...


I know that there is this program Microsoft has that helps in situations like what you describe, but they have very stringent rules for acceptance or even participation... How did you manage to be part of it? You must of joined and got accepted for this program that has been around for a very long time..


I know that I read about this long time ago and I thought it was a joke, but sound like it is true... can not find that article right now, but I know that this program exists...


Good for you man... this is what happens when someone knows how to work the system to their advantage..

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No program, or service was involved.


I was there back when this "service" was a beta, and I was one of the first few to sign up.


Perhaps it was a "courtesy" for being there from start to finish, and for putting up with all of the tool changes, and the experimental software that was "buggy" until they came up with a refined "Free Website" service for business solutions.


For a free website with WYSIWYG editing, and free website hosting I really cannot complain. I find it easy to work with, but then the uninitiated may find it difficult until they learn to move around with it.


I can read something on the forum, and I can punch out a webpage in 10 minutes, and have it live on the net to include googling a picture, and uploading it to my photo gallery, or uploading a doc to the doc gallery.


To those who do HTML they might have something to say, but the system has frames where you can insert HTML, and other software.


If there was a service I would reserve it for a years worth of RENT!!

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I was there back when this "service" was a beta, and I was one of the first few to sign up.


Perhaps it was a "courtesy" for being there from start to finish, and for putting up with all of the tool changes, and the experimental software that was "buggy" until they came up with a refined "Free Website" service for business solutions.


I thought so... I remember reading something about it, as we were and still are part of Microsoft Partner program... We did not think Microsoft actually will honor such a program... well, looks like they did...


Great job man.. Free is always good isn't it?

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To those who do HTML they might have something to say, but the system has frames where you can insert HTML, and other software.


If there was a service I would reserve it for a years worth of RENT!!


i use front page .. comes with office (xp) and can throw up a web page in seconds

i can write HTML ofcourse but sometimes whats the point .. its like I can walk to the store but a vehicle is alot quicker (and safer round here!)

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