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DVR Software on multiple screens in 1080p

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Dont you have any technicians to help you Florian? How long time you been installing CCTV?




For about 3 years now. I mean I really knew nothing 3 years ago. What would a technician help in this case? I am a technician, but how can I say which card is better? These cards are in China and I am in Denmark. I cannot buy 2 cards for over 1000 USD just to compare quality. I have to trust the people who sell to me.

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Dont you have any technicians to help you Florian? How long time you been installing CCTV?




For about 3 years now. I mean I really knew nothing 3 years ago. What would a technician help in this case? I am a technician, but how can I say which card is better? These cards are in China and I am in Denmark. I cannot buy 2 cards for over 1000 USD just to compare quality. I have to trust the people who sell to me.


2 Cards same manufacture, small price differance between them, so logical, they are about same price to manufacture(usually, new products are higher priced). So my 2 cent is that the card with lower framerate is giving a slightly better image.


But 1000,- for testing could be a cheap lesson? How do you determine which camera is the best between 100 different models from different brands with the same technical data? You need to buy a sample and test!


Buy 1 of each and have a test or ask the suppliers to record the same camera into the card and send you sample clips!



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Dont you have any technicians to help you Florian? How long time you been installing CCTV?




For about 3 years now. I mean I really knew nothing 3 years ago. What would a technician help in this case? I am a technician, but how can I say which card is better? These cards are in China and I am in Denmark. I cannot buy 2 cards for over 1000 USD just to compare quality. I have to trust the people who sell to me.


2 Cards same manufacture, small price differance between them, so logical, they are about same price to manufacture(usually, new products are higher priced). So my 2 cent is that the card with lower framerate is giving a slightly better image.


But 1000,- for testing could be a cheap lesson? How do you determine which camera is the best between 100 different models from different brands with the same technical data? You need to buy a sample and test!


Buy 1 of each and have a test or ask the suppliers to record the same camera into the card and send you sample clips!




Asking in a forum is free That's why it is existing, right? Money is always short and I want to get as many opinions, tests and reviews as possible before investing money into something. I think this is only natural.

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Dont you have any technicians to help you Florian? How long time you been installing CCTV?




For about 3 years now. I mean I really knew nothing 3 years ago. What would a technician help in this case? I am a technician, but how can I say which card is better? These cards are in China and I am in Denmark. I cannot buy 2 cards for over 1000 USD just to compare quality. I have to trust the people who sell to me.


2 Cards same manufacture, small price differance between them, so logical, they are about same price to manufacture(usually, new products are higher priced). So my 2 cent is that the card with lower framerate is giving a slightly better image.


But 1000,- for testing could be a cheap lesson? How do you determine which camera is the best between 100 different models from different brands with the same technical data? You need to buy a sample and test!


Buy 1 of each and have a test or ask the suppliers to record the same camera into the card and send you sample clips!




Asking in a forum is free That's why it is existing, right? Money is always short and I want to get as many opinions, tests and reviews as possible before investing money into something. I think this is only natural.


You know that many in a forum like this isnt all objective. As you mention yourself you question the motive of Linovision saying the card is better or worse then another card. Maybe he has many 4016HC in stock, maybe not. Often you will find that nobody have tested all different DVR cards or all cameras etc. so they tend to advice something they sell themself or something they feel is good, but feelings isnt always facts, they are emotions, so even if one say that it is the best card he can belive that and he dosent lie. But it is what he belives or have an impression what is best.


If picture quality is very important for you, you should look into megapixel cameras and NVR.


If you are on a budget, you must try to make the best out of it. If you have sold something to a customer without knowing what you sold or achive this solution without even tested it, then you could wake up on thin ice.


I hope you succeds with your project and i will on tuesday test the 1080P dual monitor setup since I think it is graphic card that will make it work or not.


Also, I dont know if you are located in Copenhagen, but I will be there at the end of the month for 2 days!


Have a nice weekend!



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There is true multiple monitor support and what I prefer to call fake multiple monitor support.


True requires DirectX (or similar renderer) and outputs through one or more video cards. The advantage is the video can be controlled via software, that is you don't need to rearrange cables or configure a matrix controller, which should also mean reduced insertion loss. Another advantage is the monitor can use a digital connection like DVI or HDMI which is important when trying to maintain detail. The disadvantage is the software is more complex and requires more powerful hardware.


Fake is when video is duplicated, via hardware such as a matrix card, to a monitor. Another way is to duplicate or clone the outputs from the video card. The advantage is cost, the disadvantage is there is no software control over the output and the monitor will be likely be connected by an analog cable.


Another thing to be aware of is claims that software can support widescreen or various resolutions. Most software I've seen has a fixed gui and is stretched and/or distorted to fit different resolutions. This is awkward when trying to monitor live video as everything will appear distorted and text on the screen can be very difficult to comprehend.


I am not a developer or work for any cctv company, just an end user with some experience.


What I am looking for is of course real multi monitor support


What software have you used or seen that has multi monitor support?


Hey koolmer unfortunately the only software I have personally tested that supports multiple monitors and resolutions properly is LuxRiot. I think Exacq should work too from what I've read and the videos I've seen. If I find more I will post an update.


BTW one feature I expect to see in the future is hardware acceleration for decoding. Video cards can already decode HD formats and it would be great if this was available for cctv video. Then playing back many videos simultaneously wouldn't be a problem!

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Vigil will output IP cameras to multiple monitors in multiple resolutions with their "HD Viewer" application, but it is view-only and not something you'd normally be switching view on regularly. We use it in fuel services to provide paypoint monitors showing the pump and store cameras, and one for the customer-awareness monitor to display the ID camera.

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There is true multiple monitor support and what I prefer to call fake multiple monitor support.


True requires DirectX (or similar renderer) and outputs through one or more video cards. The advantage is the video can be controlled via software, that is you don't need to rearrange cables or configure a matrix controller, which should also mean reduced insertion loss. Another advantage is the monitor can use a digital connection like DVI or HDMI which is important when trying to maintain detail. The disadvantage is the software is more complex and requires more powerful hardware.


Fake is when video is duplicated, via hardware such as a matrix card, to a monitor. Another way is to duplicate or clone the outputs from the video card. The advantage is cost, the disadvantage is there is no software control over the output and the monitor will be likely be connected by an analog cable.


Another thing to be aware of is claims that software can support widescreen or various resolutions. Most software I've seen has a fixed gui and is stretched and/or distorted to fit different resolutions. This is awkward when trying to monitor live video as everything will appear distorted and text on the screen can be very difficult to comprehend.


I am not a developer or work for any cctv company, just an end user with some experience.


What I am looking for is of course real multi monitor support


What software have you used or seen that has multi monitor support?


Hey koolmer unfortunately the only software I have personally tested that supports multiple monitors and resolutions properly is LuxRiot. I think Exacq should work too from what I've read and the videos I've seen. If I find more I will post an update.


BTW one feature I expect to see in the future is hardware acceleration for decoding. Video cards can already decode HD formats and it would be great if this was available for cctv video. Then playing back many videos simultaneously wouldn't be a problem!


The future is here... Milestone works with a Matrox solution, http://www.matrox.com/graphics/en/products/video_decoding/vda_series/vda1164/ for quad monitor output, hardware decoded. I'm guessing the price is in the "if you gotta ask" category.


And, if you still have some money left, try this.. http://www.eyevis.co.uk/pdf/Datasheets/LCD%20Displays/EYE-LCD6400_4K_en.pdf , four 2048X1080 images on one 64" screen...

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LuxRiot is a really nice Software. I have tried it out, but the problem are the DVR cards they support.


1. Comart has no H.264 hardware encoding.

2. ProVideo Multimedia Co., Ltd. I have never heard of this brand and I couldn't find any prices in the net

3. Eurosys PICOLO V16 H.264 seems okay, but there is a demo on the website of Eurosys and everything that moves is blurry! Doesn't work for me.


@ hardwired


nice products, but I doubt that any of these fit in my budget

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Hikvision encoder card are now supported by Aimetis.You can have as many separate windows on separate monitors(with the proper CPU power).Separately,Hikvision released iVMS-2000 hybrid software which support encoder cards,IP cameras and DVR.Maximun of 2 monitors at Full HD resolution are supported and guess what?It`s free

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