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integrating an existing audio/pa system with new cctv instal

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What are the apropriate steps to take to make sure that your equipment is compatible with theirs?

The set up>>>>>>>

1)MDF.....the existing audio belonging to the customer is tied in to the phone system for paging.


2)the amplification unit is located no more than 15ft away from my rack where my dvr is mounted


3)the dvr has both audio in and audio out


the situation:originally the rep/expert/tech/idiot had a cable punched down on the phone block tapping in to their paging line....going in to a set of cheap computer speakers "as a pre amp" than into the dvr audio.


I am not satisfied with the perfomance of the remote talkdown and i know it sounds like junk its obvious that the amplification is not adequate but my question is>>>>>ofcourse there should be an audio cable going straight from the dvr to "their "amp and nothing else.....right?should i be scared to do that?is there a good reason that he did what he did.......what would that reason be?if anything could go wrong what would the worst case scenario be and what do i need to check before hand to prevent a disaster?



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so you just want the dvr audio to play back though the speakers ??? why not just leave there paging system alone and put in a new set of pre-amp speakers.

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I'm confused at what your trying to do... Are you A: trying to record anything paged over their PA? B: Output playback audio from the DVR on to their PA? Or C: use the 2way audio function of the DVR (if applicable) to remotely "talk back" to people on their PA?

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