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Infrared Illuminator Dispersion Chart?

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I've seen these charts but never save the links


Anyone have a link to a dispersion chart for infrared illuminators. In other words......for a 60 degree illuminator what width would it cover at 30 feet how about at 60 feet etc and what if it were a 30 degree illuminator.



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It will be different for different makes and models, like Extreme for example will BLOW away most OEMs, but then the UF500 from Extreme will blow away the UF100 also from Extreme. Additionally not all cameras will see the same, eg, Color IR cameras are near useless for Day Night IR apps even if using an Extreme IR, because its not a real BW mode camera for one thing, throw in a True Day night and voila you have a decent night image. Anyway, dont know if this is what you are looking for:






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For illuminators other than the Extreme, you'll probably want to use specs associated with performance at 850nm wavelength, not too many other illuminators are at the 730nm range, and cameras will typically be much more sensitive at 730nm.

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Those extreme ir's a great..I just can't fork up the 4-plus for my own testing for em unless i can really pass the cost onto the customer.Right now customers wallets are tight due to several factors.I'm trying to upgrade customers cameras since they skimmed on the initial cams.

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I don't know about that chart... there's almost no substitute for actually putting it up and looking at the images.


Maybe some guys can predict what it will look like, but I can't.

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  Sawbones said:
I don't know about that chart... there's almost no substitute for actually putting it up and looking at the images.


Maybe some guys can predict what it will look like, but I can't.


Thats to Manufacturer specs, no predictions.

Basically that tells you what they are capable of, ofcourse how one installs it and what cameras they use will effect the actual outcome.

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