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Where does the 5mm spacer go?

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Ok I just received all my new Arecont AV3105DN cameras. They came with the 5mm spacer ring and the instructions say to use it with any lens I attach.


My questions is where does it go? Does it go behind the C-CS adapter (flat up against the camera) or does it to between the adapter and the lens?



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The 5mm spacer is the C-CS adaptor. If you have two, you only need one. C-mount cameras can only use C-mount lenses. CS-mount cameras can use CS-mount lenses straight up or they can use C-mount lenses with the 5mm spacer.


CS-mount cameras have the imager 5mm closer to the lens mount than C-mount cameras, hence the need for the 5mm spacer. If it is not used, the lens will either touch the imager (not good) or will not focus.


There are also some cameras whose back-focus adjustments have enough range to accomodate either lens type.

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bitter much? That's pretty low if you ask me, especially since this could apply to any camera.


Yes I am a little bitter when I spend alot of time with a customer helping them design a system which they no nothing about then the end user purchases directly from a distributor. I think everyone in business does.


If another dealer would have beaten my price I would not care.

Edited by Guest

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thanks survtech, I was confused as to what was the 5mm spacer because it also came with (what I just read) a 0.5mm spacer ring, for use with C mount lenses.


The lenses I have are all CS mount so I left the adapter in place. These also have backfocus adjustments as well which is good.

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