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Help deciding on a DVR solution...

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I have done a little bit of searching here, and quite a bit on other forums and havent come to a concrete solution....


In a basic sense, I have a cookie cutter 3BR/2BA home that I would like to setup some CCTV cameras for. At the same time, I am also looking at installing an Automation based security panel, most likely an HAI OmniPro II, as well as some other smarthome-like equipment.


My current delima and reason for posting here is that I looking for advice from some of you guys who have a lot more experience in this world than I do. As of right now, I am looking at building a computer (either dual or quad core) for the needs of a DVR and also considering being able to somewhat dual purpose the machine with some other light tasks, such as running some home automation programs.


About 2 weeks ago I acquired an Axis 2400+ 4-port video encoder at an INSANE price. I have worked with some of the Axis encoders in the past and have a decent knowledge of what their capabilities are. Where I am mainly stuck now, is what DVR software to deploy on this to-be-built system. I have been throwing around the idea of installing a Windows OS, along with a VMware software (possibly VMware Player) and ZoneMinder. Again the reason for considering the VM approach is b/c generally speaking most all of the automation programs are Windows based. The reason I am looking at ZoneMinder is that Ive heard pretty much nothing but good things about it, its free, and I believe it will accept MANY IP cameras or IP-based video encoders.


The other solution I am looking at is selling the Axis 2400+ and going a different direction... installing a AverMedia NV5000 with associated software. This seems like the "easy" route, as the process would be pretty streamlined and straight forward. The concern I have here, is that I dont know much about the Avermedia software, and its capabilities. Until IP camera pricing comes down I do plan to install analog cameras only, but eventually feel that Ill migrate toward IP cameras, and dont want to have to re-do everything later.


Along with the home automation stuff, one of the things I want to do with whatever solution is installed, is to have my doorbell tied into my security panel, and the automation software be able to change the input or channel of my TV to the camera view at my front door upon a visitor pressing the door bell. I dont know how easily this is accomplished with the Zoneminder system (mainly from a video-output perspective from the PC), but know its a fairly easy process to do with the Avermedia setup as the NV5000 card has a composite video output.


Id also be interested to hear if I should go down a completely different path, assuming there may be something that fits my needs better.

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Did I read those specs right on that 2400?




CIF x4 channels at 5fps max? Or D1 x1 at 10 fps max? I can't imagine a real world application for that... No wonder it's been discontinued. Also if your interested in displaying more than one camera on your TVs, then you'll need to get a switcher or a quad. An added expense to make this thing work...


I'd chunk that thing and go with AverMedia.

Fairly cheap and they do a good job at coming out with revisions and update patches for free. Including continued IP camera compatibility. You can add additional NV5000 cards, up to 4 total I believe. But if you have the cash for it, I'd recommend getting at least 8 channels (NV6420e) for a residential house. That's assuming you'll be using exterior only cameras...


You'll have a lot of dead spots with only 4 cameras. If you plan on using wide angle analog cameras on each side of the house, be prepared to be disappointed the first time something happens...


What type of home automation are you considering? Lighting, energy and access control? If you plan on doing some sort of media server... I'd recommend using 2 separate PCs. One for security, another for your media.

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Thanks for your response.


I actually have the 2400+ card (add AXIS_DOT_COM to the beginning of this... /techsup/cam_servers/cam_2400plus/index.htm?tab=datasheets). Unfortunately, I couldnt find the same type of information on its datasheet, so I cant tell if the performance is improved for the 2400 or not.


In any case, I am starting to lean toward the AverMedia setup as it seems like its going to be a lot less to research and deal with out of the box - compared to the ZoneMinder setup.


As far as automation equipment.. I do plan to have a SageTV media server, with extenders at each TV, so the media server itself wont be overly tasked as other setups. I am also likely planning to install a HAI OmniProII panel, likely with UPB lighting, and probably at some point some CQC or like-software as well. I really dont plan on doing anything for "energy" other than monitor the lighting/fans in the home, and some of the electronics (TVs, AV Receiver, Whole Home Audio) which will have RS232 control.


For now, I am not OVERLY concerned of a "security threat"... I live 2 blocks from an Elementary and Middle School, and we have a total of about 5 police officers that live within a block from me (4 within 2-3 houses), who all park their patrol vehicles in their front yards. I really want the cameras more as a peace of mind, if something were to happen. Being so close to the schools, there are a lot of younger kids in the area and possibly having the ability to 1) protect any of their safety or 2) protect me from any of their adolescent vandalism

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Complacency is your biggest threat. I've installed many systems for police officers. They themselves are targets. I bid a job for a Sargent a few weeks ago that said his cruiser has had the tires slashed, gas tank peed in, even the windows busted out IN HIS OWN DRIVEWAY! Policemen sleep just like the rest of us... I don't mean to make you paranoid, but but crime happens anytime, anywhere. It's good that your planning to incorporate CCTV into your home.

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Is there a "right" or "wrong" choice when trying to decide between using AverMedia or GeoVision DVR card? Before I came across the 2400+ Axis encoder, I was battling that decision for a while... just looking to be pointed in the right direction... likely looking for a 8-channel card, if that makes any difference.

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