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Curious... why are most if not all DVR cards I have seen maxed out at 640x480, and many 'standalones' are 720x484 NTSC for example? Is there really that much o diff between the two?

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Yes there is a difference. Not much though. The stand alones Live Display is better but their record is not much different.

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I was playing around with Video Capture, with a Card I have, using VidCap, etc. I could set it to 740x480, or lower like 640x480, etc. Anyway, when you Maximize the screen, this is with only one camera at a time, anyway, in 740x480 mode, you do notice a large difference over 640x480. It still isnt as good as the direct to a TV/Monitor, but it is good, for recording to a CD, where as the Stand Alones when you save that video to a CD, it is much more pixelised, as its been compressed for the network (I imagine).


Anyway, no compression on 740x480 as an AVI file, 10 seconds, 80MB. Converted using Windows Movie Maker, to a WMV file, 500kb.


Just for info incase anyone cares



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