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[Official] Upgrade thread - All comments/problems go here

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Ah, didn't see that... but not quite the same thing, as that would, it appears, go right to the end of the thread. "View first unread" will take you to... well, the first one in the thread that you haven't read yet. Particularly handy if the thread has filled out a couple pages since you last checked in on it.


Edit: just checked, the board I took the screenshot from has the "View latest" link as well, in the same place as here.

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Yeah i see what you mean. I would actually like that very left side section to go back to how it was before, this new one is hard to see what is new and what is not, sometimes it is red sometimes not, or has the funny "i" and bubbles Sometimes old is good .. long as it works.

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I think a legend of the thread icons along the bottom would be a cool idea. It's there when you look at the thread list for a particular forum, but it would be nice to have it for the predefined search results as well (View unanswered, View new, View active, etc.)

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Could you put a link to PMs on the home page?


Very top-right, where it says "0 new messages" - clicking that will go to your inbox.

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