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exacqVision System Setup Bandwidth Settings

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What is the purpose of "Bandwidth Settings" in the System Setup of exacqVision? I've been getting a high number of "Socket buffer falling behind" warning messages when the camera's H.264 stream is set to 4Mb. I had to reduce the H.264 stream to 2Mb to eliminate the GOP restarts. Does the bandwidth setting in exacq have any affect on this socket buffer overflow?


The help file for Bandwidth Settings simply states, ... "Bandwidth Settings". If exacq developers visit this forum, please consider expanding the documentation for this section.




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I think that setting is only to limit output bandwidth to clients, and has no effect on inbound connections, but I haven't checked that side of it. (the throttling on the outbound side does work, I've used it to see how a client connection will look over a lower bandwidth connection).

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Hardwired is correct. The "Bandwidth Settings" only effects the outbound bandwidth to the client software. It does nothing to the inbound traffic from the cameras.


Thanks! I'll pass this on to the Exacq technical writers so they can put something in the help file.





"Bandwidth Settings - See Bandwidth Settings."

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