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Help with Modulator?

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I have installed an 8 channel system and everything is working great except when attempting to view the cameras via the home televisions.


I am using an Advantage Skymod3 UHF/CATV 3 channel modulator with output going to a splitter/combiner then into the splitter to all the TVs. When the modulator is powered up, I lose all cable channels, unplug the modulator and they all come back. Is the modulator bad or am I doing something wrong?


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what frequency's are the cable tv channels on (are they digital or analog?) and what frequency's the modulator outputs?

we don't have much in the way of cable here so i have to guess a bit on what system you guys have.

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Thanks for the reply tweak'e-

The cable is digital-not sure what frequencies, and the modulator specs are 470-860 MHZ output frequency range.

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i'm not up on the play with digital cable.


sounds like you haven't selected the output channels on the modulator. i'm assuming analog output.

you will need a spare channel thats not carrying cable signal. you will also most likely need an empty channel on either side.

do you use set top box to receive the cable or does it go straight to a digital tv?

if you use set top boxes you may need to split the analog signal back out and feed into the tv


the main thing is is modulator output must be different frequency to the cable signal.


if thats confusing then get a tv/cable guy in.

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just a thought, depending on how the cable setup is done, the modulator can back feed the cable system so it may be possible for your neighbors to view the cameras. of course cable company won't like you putting signal back up their network.

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