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What the hell is wrong with you?



This is a forum created so that everyone has an opinion about products and services. Not a place to come out and do whatever the hell you want and say what you want!!!


There are 4 posibilities right now


1. You are either drunk, or smoking something REALLY strong.


2. Something pissed you off, and you come here to vent it out. (maybe you have no business and cannot handle it?)


3. Maybe you saw something in your home's hidden camera that you didn'

t like?


4. Hopefully is this one, someone stole your password and started posting things without your knowledge.


Either way, I'm suspending your account until we figure out just what the HELL happened to you, you see man? people like you give us NY'kers a bad name.

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What the hell is wrong with you?



This is a forum created so that everyone has an opinion about products and services. Not a place to come out and do whatever the hell you want and say what you want!!!


There are 4 posibilities right now


1. You are either drunk, or smoking something REALLY strong.


2. Something pissed you off, and you come here to vent it out. (maybe you have no business and cannot handle it?)


3. Maybe you saw something in your home's hidden camera that you didn'

t like?


4. Hopefully is this one, someone stole your password and started posting things without your knowledge.


Either way, I'm suspending your account until we figure out just what the HELL happened to you, you see man? people like you give us NY'kers a bad name.


number 4 is close...... have company ...well, had company for a week. He has his own ideas of how life works. Sorry he vented here, but I let him go with it since I was on the receiving end for a week...

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You can disable the blinking eyes in the version 6 & 6.1 versions by editing the GeoBrand.Ini file (should be in the windows directory), change the Brand=0 to Brand=1 and the blinking eyes should be gone, if you put your company name or any text in the BrandName= line of the same file, then it will show up in the splash screen when starting.

You can get rid of the "fixed" eyes that may be hidden underneath the blinking eyes in the NTSC versions by editing the Sys_State.BMP in the commres & commres 1024 folders, come to that you can edit almost anything in the commres folders to change the colour and look of the interface.




No. Wonder if they got rid of those stupid blinking eyes though.

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You missed it dv? DAmm, I deleted all of it, but basically he came in here bad mouthing everybody and basically disrespecting everyone.

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