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Good manufacturers of Height-Strip cameras

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An height-strip camera seems a very good addition to any store since it catches the face of every customers who get out of the store.


I know about the Honeywell ExitView® . Is there any other manufacturers of very good height-strip cameras please?






What is the point of this hight strip camera. you need the hight in the image. why not have a normal hight strip and a good camera looking at the door way

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An height-strip camera seems a very good addition to any store since it catches the face of every customers who get out of the store.


I know about the Honeywell ExitView® . Is there any other manufacturers of very good height-strip cameras please?






What is the point of this hight strip camera. you need the hight in the image. why not have a normal hight strip and a good camera looking at the door way


You won't get accurate with a "regular" setup anyway, unless the camera is at the 5-6' level and the subject is standing right beside the strip - perspective throws everything out of whack.


The idea with these cameras isn't to get a person's height... it's the have a covert camera that gets a picture when the person is on the way out. Quite often, if a "perp" knows there's an ID cam on the door, he'll hide his face by wearing a hat or keeping his head down. Most won't expect a camera looking back at them on the way out, and being at or just below eye level, it's harder to hide one's face without bumping into things.


An added bonus with these is that there's generally no backlighting problem, as is common with cameras pointed at an outside door.


The models I've seen (no manufacturer name, sorry - they were prototypes) were in an angled casing that gave counter staff a better straight-on view of the strip itself, compared to a sticker on a standard door jamb.

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Here's why :

Honeywell’s ExitView height strip camera is a discreet and cost-effective solution
for loss prevention, inventory shrinkage, and robbery. A high performance CCD
camera within a height strip that can be mounted on or beside the door frame,
ExitView captures the full face of the culprit at eye level, in full color, as they exit
the premises.
ExitView is one of the most inexpensive solutions to tighten in-store security and
make it easier to identify and prosecute criminals. With clear visual identification,
prosecution of the offender and recovery of goods is easier than ever before.
ExitView represents the latest achievement in business protection that
incorporated a CCD camera with a height strip. 

Source Link

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Ive seen many that make them, but I still dont have any clients that would want such an ugly thing mounted at their door. One could save their money and simply buy a small cube camera, stick that in something hidden, such as a white gang box, clock, chrono timer, signs, or pretty much anything you can think of, that the client approves of. In that image in the original post, it shows a wooden frame, one could just hide the camera right inside that, and in the US you guys love sheet rock walls, even easier.

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ExitView is one of the most inexpensive solutions


That is crazy, the retail price on that is: $722.00!!!

Definitely not worth it. I could see if it were Wide Dynamic, had built in IR, and perhaps Megapixel IP then ... doubt it is all that though.

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I still dont have any clients that would want such an ugly thing mounted at their door.
I agree that the picture in the original post looks ugly. But, I've seen two of those installed in two convenience stores. They were installed on the metal frame of a metal and glass door and it looked good.


That is crazy, the retail price on that is: $722.00!!!
Ebay has some inexpensive clones as usual.


I don't understand why there's almost no traces of this device here on this forum. I believe the idea is brilliant!

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I don't understand why there's almost no traces of this device here on this forum. I believe the idea is brilliant!

The idea is around 10+ years old. Seen it way back then, different brands though. Its only good for stores that actually use them though, as otherwise it looks out of place.

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Cant see any benefit in using them, far to easy for someone just to stand in front of it and block the image...


That could be said of any camera position, though. One site, they had a camera on an 8' ceiling watching an under-counter safe... the cleaners rolled in a cart with a stack of cleaning supplies and neatly blocked the camera... very innocuously, of course. (We added a second camera with a reverse angle on the safe, from a 12' ceiling... hard to block BOTH and claim it's accidental!)


The whole point is to get around guys who hide themselves from typical ID-shot positions with ball caps and hoodies.

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Cant see any benefit in using them, far to easy for someone just to stand in front of it and block the image...


Usually people don't stay at the main door of a convenience store. They get in, buy their stuff, and get out. So, it's possible to get good shots of the person's face almost 100% of the time.

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I wish someone on this forum would have some experience with the actual height strips, but hey it's ok.


Meanwhile, is the camera quality of the original Honeywell looking good? Is Honeywell a respectable camera brand. (From what I've saw on the web, it looks like Honeywell bought the company that was originally making the ExitView height-strip. It was named "SilentWitness.com". I'm not sure though)


Do the height strips on Ebay look good specs wise?

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Many brands make the same thing, Ive seen some Honeywell Bullets and they are made in Asia, I wouldnt put it past them on this also, maybe just OEM. The OEMs and this look identical on the outside and even the specs are close enough.

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I wish someone on this forum would have some experience with the actual height strips, but hey it's ok.


Umm, yeah, right here. Don't have sample footage, but I have installed a couple. It's no different, image-wise, than having a small board or bullet camera mounted beside the door about 5' off the floor (which I've also done)... just a different enclosure.

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there is a patent on this device!


Dont go around throwing people under the bus LOL

Doubtful, maybe patent pending, but other brands have had this same exact device for years.

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Doubt they can, well, maybe in the US. But I saw that type of camera from before 2003.

Besides, they didnt invent the height strip, and anyone can place a camera inside anything they want.

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Would you jump off a bridge naked into a bed a rocks if everyone else was doing it?

Please explain, because that has no bearing on this thread.

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NO i just kidding, i agree everybody is selling them. I just meant that because everybody else was making or selling this product doesn't mean eventually they can't go after them.


But in regards to that, as long as they change something about their own design means that the patent wont apply right?

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we use little board cams with a 2.8 lens mounted into our black metal door frames. most people don't know they're there, including the people that work for us. way cheaper than what your talking about... Why buy one device for $700 when you can buy the sum of it's parts for $150?

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and wait for it .. move over Silent Witness Exit View ...

Wide Dynamic Height Strip Camera



Ahh wait there is more, True Day Night with Stainless Steel Housing,



Those (from EyeSonic.ca) look like nice products right?

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