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Good manufacturers of Height-Strip cameras

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and wait for it .. move over Silent Witness Exit View ...

Wide Dynamic Height Strip Camera



Ahh wait there is more, True Day Night with Stainless Steel Housing,



Those (from EyeSonic.ca) look like nice products right?


I guess, but I could think of many other places to put a camera. The height strip serves no purpose in most places, but if you want one, it would be cheaper to buy the height strip then add your own camera, I reckon? (not knowing the cost of basic height strips myself).

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That is one ugly piece of crap. I do not know of anyone that would like to have anything like that by their door...


And I mean, for that price, it would be just easier to install one or two bulletcam/pinhole cameras hidden somehow on the exit that can get clear shots of the face with a good angle. If someone is wearing a hat/mask/whatever, hey, you won't see their hair colour no matter what kind of camera you have installed...

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I just saw one in a bank here the other day, at the door, the top of it was way below my height, so really, any people entering the bank should be able to realize that particular one is serving no purpose.

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I just installed one today, Honeywell ExitView I placed it in a CASH STORE, it is a eye real eye sore,the pinhole is at 5'6". Cool thing is that the new guy ive been training for the last 5 months in security stuff was finished his job early, he came to where I was working to see if I need help, he looked at the DVR and could not figure out where the other camera was. (the one in the strip) I have installed two of these for some security company that looks after the contracts for CASH STORE and MONEY STORE (payday loan).

The overall image was good, it looked cleaner and sharper then the cheap 600 tvl dome that was sent along with it.



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