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Videoviewr not starting

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Hi all,


My problem is that my videoviewer program doesn't wan't to start. When I click on it it appears like starting but then nothing happens, no error. I've been using it for months, I had the newest (0.144). Two days ago I uninstalled some programs I didn't used, and after that came the problem. I tried all the versions but the same thing. The programs I unistalled had nothing to do with videoviewer.


Thanks in advance,





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You say that you have tried various version of Video Viewer and you have the same problem with all of them. This tells me that the software is not the problem, and that the computer is the problem.


Do you have a firewall? You may have clicked NO and you may have closed off a path for the software to work.


Try turning off all of your antivirus, firewall, and other protective software, and disconnect from the internet.


Look at the various folders in Video Viewer, and write down the different players, and DLLs.


Remove all versions of video viewer in ADD / Remove Programs.


Do a search for all of the players, and DLL, and such. Delete anything that comes up in the search related to Video Viewer. If unsure then do not delete it.


Reload Video Viewer and it should work.


If it does not work after this then you have a problem with your computer.



I do not take any responciblity for the following! Seek help!


Download this


Before running make a restore point on your computer. If you have a DVD burner then make a backup of your computer. Ask a friend, or google how to do it.


Save your pictures first! Make sure the pictures copied correctly to your thumbdrive, or to a CD, or a DVD before performing anywork on your computer.


Make sure you have all of your program disks, or make a copy of your software to a USB thumbdrive. Seek help!!


Download CCleaner



Run the above software as is out of the box. Do not add extra check marks unless you are a computer expert, and know what you are doing.


It is possible that things may get removed, and you have have to go back, and make corrections, or setup programs again.


Next go to this website and download Malwarbytes.



Save it, and run it. It may take 20 minutes or it may take an hour depending on the amount of files on your computer.


Next go here to Bit Defender Online Scanner. This may take another hour.



Click on start scanner, and another window will open. Click on the agreement, and then click on start scanner. You will need to allow for active X. Run the active X.


Next go here to Eset online scanner



This should clean up any infections, viruses, spyware, and malware.


You should be able to reload your Video Viewer.




If you have Windows XP, and you are very brave then you can run Combofix after CCleaner, and before anything else.



The download button is hidden as BleepingComputer.com above the filedownload security warning picture.


Run combofix. This will clean up the serious infections. Do NOT RUN COMBO FIX ON VISTA, OR WIN 7 unless you are an expert's expert with computers.


It is possible that Combofix will break something on your computer. Actually it will remove a bad virus, but the virus rebuilt paths in your computer. The virus may have changed how your antivirus works, or it may redirect you on the internet. Removing the virus will take out the travel path and you may not connect to the internet, or software may not work, or your OS will crash.


There are winsock repairs out there such as



If you suspect that you have a really infected machine then you are better off removing your computer's hard drive, and connecting it to another computer, and running a virus scanner on that hard drive.


If you have a friend, or a buddy who is a computer wiz, and he tells you not to use one of the software above then first determine his/her level of computer expertise. If you are comfortable with their advice then follow it. They may have different tools that they use.


Do as they say, and if anything goes wrong then you followed their advise, and now they are "responcible" to get it right. They are the expert right?


I do not take any responcibility for the above. This is only a guide, and I ask that you seek help!


Experts will reconize these tools, and they will know how to make adjustments for anything that goes wrong.




If you know computers to some degree then use ghost, or Acronis and mirror (make a copy of your hard drive) before you run any cleaners, or scanners. If something breaks then you have the original to work with


Internet Search Is Your Friend! Search for info and you may find a tutorial that will explain step by step on what to do.


What do you think?

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Thanks for the help. Yesterday finally I found the problem. It was a trojan, which made dns redirection. My antivirus program (Panda) coultn't work and I couldn't get to their homepage either. Mailware either could run, but after runnig AVAST, mailware did the job and now everything works.


Thanks again,



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Wow! It was just a lucky guess on my part about some kind of virus! Glad I hit that nail on the head!


Glad to see you up and running!



Note to others:


The malware will rework your antivirus programs to circumvent them. They will appear to work normally, but they can be "broken". You will notice that you cannot go to well known websites that have great scanners. The infection will redirect you from those websites, or disable the scanner from performing.


These guys are getting trickier, and trickier!


Make sure you run the scanners to completion. It may run for 30 minutes and say that it has not found anything, but when it finishes up you may see one, or more infections!


I would go back with some different scanner to make sure they cleanned out everything.

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