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I have recently purchased a PC DVR. It has a Magic Radar T04 card and runs Magic Radar 5.3.0 software. I would like to add more cameras, but can't find anyone in New Zealand that sells Magic Radar (have no idea where the stuff I have was bought!). Am I able to put a card in made by someone else or is there anyone on the net that sells Magic Radar and ships internationally?

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Hi WAEL02, Try Security Merchants in NZ whom also have a good presence in OZ. I understand the T04 is about to, or is now end of life as is the TX08. 5.3 is good and I have working on Win7 fine.

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Computer Specs

IBM - Motherboard BIOS:IBM 2AKT49AUS

Intel Pentium 4 3.20GHz

512MB Ram

40GB HDD - Software

500GB HDD - Video Capture

Windows XP Professional - Service Pack 3


If there is anything else you need, please let me know, Cheers.


Thof - Thanks for suggesting Security Merchants, but they have already sold out of T04 cards and aren't getting any more. Perhaps I talked to an idiot that worked there, but he had no idea as to what I could use instead. So a dead end for now, but I might try calling back to talk to someone else!

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Hi WAEL02, Security Merchants also deal with HIKvision which appears good, DS4004/8HCI might be worth a look at. These cards I beileve are full PAL / NTFS (realtime) at minimum CIF for similar cost to magic radar. The H/V are stackable and mixable (4 ch & 8 ch in the one box), some do an IP camera mix with STD cam's. With 2GB RAM the rest of you system is fine. As we know, the software can make or break DVR cards, HIKvions seems okay. I understand that GeoVision is very good to, bit more cost wise. Good luck.

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