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Looking for some assistance and suggestions

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I am undertaking a DYI home automation project, basically consists of HAI automation panel and probably will integrate it with CQC. Although I am far from finished with he automation part, i wanted to start looking into a quality security system. Currently I have some cameras and DVR that I bought from Amazon "Defender" and it is utter crap. I want something that I can integrate with my automation and at least is controllable via rs232. I seen that people build their own DVR's and while I am not against it, unless it is going to be better than a prebuilt dvr then maybe it will not be a consideration, as it is I will be running 2 computers 24/7. I also read that some of this video cards are resource hogs, If I could use one my current computers then it might be worth it!


In the spirit of changing my system I ordered 4 cameras the speco HT-INTB8. I wanted something that did not have IR as there is a light pole in front of my house and it used to mess with the cameras I had there. I did not receive the cameras yet, so if I made a bad decision or I can get a batter bang for my buck with a different camera then I would appreciate some imput.


I am planing on having at least 8 cameras but would prefer 10 to 12. I will be reading more on this forum in the next couple days, but was hoping that some of the experts would lend a hand and shave a little time on my research by pointing me on the right direction.



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