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Pelco Spectra IV and pc firmware uploads

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been on this for a while now so thought i best call for help before i go mad.


i have the spectra IV SE dome,

i have the IPS cable

a pc with serial

and a null modem cable ( i made my self !!!)


the pins the ips cale uses are 2, 3, and 5


5 being ground

2,3 data,

now origialy i wired 5-5 2-2 3-3


but then found it should be 5-5 2-3 3-2


but still dont work ? keep getting connection error on the pelco program


any ideas. or does the pc's serial data run on other pin appart from 2 and 3???



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upload seems to work but not PTZ control ? the main thing is up load tho


why dint i just press the upload button 3 hours ago rather then getting the control to work- prob as the last time i did that it said upload done, but never did anything.

where as not its been uploading for ten min with a download on the screen progressing



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You have to make sure all the other comm parameters (baud rate, etc) match the camera, and you need the correct camera ID selected for PTZ control to work.

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ya tryed all thet im on pelco D 2400 not polarity-

set pc coms port to that and pelco download software to that too


ive updated 3 spectra IV so far so know that part oif it works it just the PTZ contaole but suppose it not a major thing, just strange




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