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Dedicated Micros DS2 16ch c/w CDR - Locked out??

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I have just purchased a DM unit 2nd hand and need some help with it.


I have purchased the unit for use at my home run small business.


The unit is a ‘Digital Sprite 2’ with 16 camera inputs on the reverse, I have been running 4 cameras off it initially when I first purchased it, which the unit was running fine, I am happy and please to say.


I have just ‘attempted’ to connect 2 further cameras to it (with more in the future) as per the instructions without much joy.


The cameras don’t seem to be viewable on any of the give channels, except channels 1,2,3 & 4, which my current cameras are running from. When I swap the cameras around on the inputs on the reverse, no image is viewable except on channels 1-4. This to me seems that the cameras are working fine and connected properly, but may be ‘blocked’ someway????? I have attempted to go into the settings of the unit, but can’t seem to do much more than change the time and date. When I follow the instructions, the unit asks for a password code to be entered, which I believe should allow further menus to be displayed?????


Sadly the ‘seller’ of the unit to me is denying any knowledge of any problem and of knowing any access codes for the unit, and not surprisingly, he said the unit was working fully, but then he would I suppose! Lol


Could you help me overcome this problem at all? Is there a default access code or any way of resetting the unit to ‘factory default’?


I don’t wish to dispose of the unit as knowing that Dedicated Micros have a very good reputation for reliability and quality, hence why I purchased such. Neither do I wish to go to further expense in getting it ‘repaired’ etc., due to budget restraints.


Being used to videoSwitch in the past, I am totally new to DM units, and although like the 'initial' unit, I am gettin gvery frustrated with it at the moment! lol


Many thanks & kindest regards,


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Have you tried the default passwords? They are on page 84 of this manual.


If your lucky the passwords will still be at default settings.



Hi Ken, many thanks for your reply. Those are not what it requires as its a numerical code, as its entered using the camera number buttons.


Its the main installer password which prompts when you press and hold 'Menu'.


Its an eight digit option which now is doing my head in as I have even contacted Dedicated Micros, and they havent helped a great deal.

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