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Suggestions to good hardware and software

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I just bought som cheap cards on ebay, and found out that the supplied software was piracy (im in contact with ebay about this)


Well, it's the famous Pico2000 card, and I diden't knew any thing about this, before I did some research.



I have tried the newest Pico2000 software demo, and well, it's ok, but if there was something better I would not let that pass!


The Dico 800 software only supports 4 cameras, and im in need of 16 cameras.



I need these features:

Motion Detection, with setup for each camera (It a petstore, with live animals, some cameras should not record motion in some areas.)

Remote View (on this Pico2000 sucks major!)

Event listing

Easy browsing through events

Support for 16 cameras

Maybe SMS or email notification, but only if I can choose out wich cameras should make these. (we have some outdoor cameras, and if a bird or a cat runs through, I don't want an sms at 3 in the night


In our store, there is CAT5 cable several places, that all ends up right where the PC should be placed, therefor I can easy make a cabled solution.


My budget for cards and software, is about $200 - if that isen't posible, I will buy the Pico2000 software.


If anyone know where I can get 12-16 used or new color cameras with good picture cheap, let me know!

I found some on ebay, but the seller will not send outside the states.



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I just bought som cheap cards on ebay, and found out that the supplied software was piracy (im in contact with ebay about this)


Well, it's the famous Pico2000 card, and I diden't knew any thing about this, before I did some research.



I have tried the newest Pico2000 software demo, and well, it's ok, but if there was something better I would not let that pass!


The Dico 800 software only supports 4 cameras, and im in need of 16 cameras.



I need these features:

Motion Detection, with setup for each camera (It a petstore, with live animals, some cameras should not record motion in some areas.)

Remote View (on this Pico2000 sucks major!)

Event listing

Easy browsing through events

Support for 16 cameras

Maybe SMS or email notification, but only if I can choose out wich cameras should make these. (we have some outdoor cameras, and if a bird or a cat runs through, I don't want an sms at 3 in the night


In our store, there is CAT5 cable several places, that all ends up right where the PC should be placed, therefor I can easy make a cabled solution.


My budget for cards and software, is about $200 - if that isen't posible, I will buy the Pico2000 software.


If anyone know where I can get 12-16 used or new color cameras with good picture cheap, let me know!

I found some on ebay, but the seller will not send outside the states.




you will not just have clone software but the cards will be as well (think about it) no point building a 12/16 dvr with a budget $200. there is no point why anyone would want to build a crap cctv system.

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I just bought som cheap cards on ebay, and found out that the supplied software was piracy (im in contact with ebay about this)


Well, it's the famous Pico2000 card, and I diden't knew any thing about this, before I did some research.



I have tried the newest Pico2000 software demo, and well, it's ok, but if there was something better I would not let that pass!


The Dico 800 software only supports 4 cameras, and im in need of 16 cameras.



I need these features:

Motion Detection, with setup for each camera (It a petstore, with live animals, some cameras should not record motion in some areas.)

Remote View (on this Pico2000 sucks major!)

Event listing

Easy browsing through events

Support for 16 cameras

Maybe SMS or email notification, but only if I can choose out wich cameras should make these. (we have some outdoor cameras, and if a bird or a cat runs through, I don't want an sms at 3 in the night


In our store, there is CAT5 cable several places, that all ends up right where the PC should be placed, therefor I can easy make a cabled solution.


My budget for cards and software, is about $200 - if that isen't posible, I will buy the Pico2000 software.


If anyone know where I can get 12-16 used or new color cameras with good picture cheap, let me know!

I found some on ebay, but the seller will not send outside the states.




you will not just have clone software but the cards will be as well (think about it) no point building a 12/16 dvr with a budget $200. there is no point why anyone would want to build a crap cctv system.



The Software is piracy yes, but the card are not.


The total budget is not $200 - that was for new cards with software.


But thanks for your fulfilling answer!

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I just bought som cheap cards on ebay, and found out that the supplied software was piracy (im in contact with ebay about this)


Well, it's the famous Pico2000 card, and I diden't knew any thing about this, before I did some research.



I have tried the newest Pico2000 software demo, and well, it's ok, but if there was something better I would not let that pass!


The Dico 800 software only supports 4 cameras, and im in need of 16 cameras.



I need these features:

Motion Detection, with setup for each camera (It a petstore, with live animals, some cameras should not record motion in some areas.)

Remote View (on this Pico2000 sucks major!)

Event listing

Easy browsing through events

Support for 16 cameras

Maybe SMS or email notification, but only if I can choose out wich cameras should make these. (we have some outdoor cameras, and if a bird or a cat runs through, I don't want an sms at 3 in the night


In our store, there is CAT5 cable several places, that all ends up right where the PC should be placed, therefor I can easy make a cabled solution.


My budget for cards and software, is about $200 - if that isen't posible, I will buy the Pico2000 software.


If anyone know where I can get 12-16 used or new color cameras with good picture cheap, let me know!

I found some on ebay, but the seller will not send outside the states.




you will not just have clone software but the cards will be as well (think about it) no point building a 12/16 dvr with a budget $200. there is no point why anyone would want to build a crap cctv system.



The Software is piracy yes, but the card are not.


The total budget is not $200 - that was for new cards with software.


But thanks for your fulfilling answer!


you buy cards and software from ebay and you say the cards are not cloned.

well if you think you have real cards. then you spend good money with pico for software. then you will have to buy a real card oooops more money.


the total $200 for a 12/16 cards all you are going to get is crap it wont buy you anything nothing/nadda/ i give up

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you buy cards and software from ebay and you say the cards are not cloned.

well if you think you have real cards. then you spend good money with pico for software. then you will have to buy a real card oooops more money.


the total $200 for a 12/16 cards all you are going to get is crap it wont buy you anything nothing/nadda/ i give up


The cards works fine with the original Pico2000 software.

There is nothing wrong with the cards!

I suppose you drive a car? Well your car is also a clone of another car then.



I think it's best that you give up, you can't supply me with information, why a $200 16 channel card should be crap.

I don't care about high fps. The job is to record surveillance, not movies.


Give me some usefull information, or don't write at all!

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so you dont need cards yours are working fine .


so now fps you need good fps on cctv. you need between 8 and 15 to have a good system. then you need to find what format you want. but before you do this the system your are building how much storage are you going to use.

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They are working fine with Pico2000 yes.

But since Pico2000 isen't very good overall, Im looking for another card with another software.


I have no problems with the FPS supplyed with these cards and Pico2000 - but again, if I could find some better software than Pico2000, that would be best.


I have a P4 3.0ghz, 2gb mem system with a 250gb extra storage.


If I go for a higher FPS, I will also need a higher upload on my internet connection - again this is near perfect with Pico2000.



We now have a 7 years old DVR system with 4 B/W cams, It was bought to a smaller store, but we expanded.

The price for 7 years ago was over $5500 - I wasen't in the company at that time.

This system has fever features than Pico2000 has.


I have seen a running system with 4 Color cams, that was build for under $500 - This system was way better than our $5500 setup. It's some years ago, and I dont remember the software name.

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your fps has nothing to do with you up grading your internet. this is the speed at what your dvr records. on each camera. plus you are going to need more than 250gb H/D for your 12/16 camera system. i think you might be better looking at buying a system pc based or standalone. i have just been looking at the spec on your cards. as a 4 way you are fine but add more cards to the software (12 cameras) you are only going to get 4fps 16 cameras 2-3 fps. this is usless.

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When there is a lot of cards and usefull software out there, why should I buy a complete system?


I have several HD laying, and can supply up to 5000gb if needed.


The system should not save more than 48 hours, and only record on motion - I see no need of way bigger HD.

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When there is a lot of cards and usefull software out there, why should I buy a complete system?


I have several HD laying, and can supply up to 5000gb if needed.


The system should not save more than 48 hours, and only record on motion - I see no need of way bigger HD.



Your system should not save more than 48 hours so lets put cctv system in and never go on holiday ,,,,,,,,,,, honey lets book a holiday sorry sweet but are new cctv only records for 48hrs lets go the mall instead.

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I dont know with you, but we dont close down our store to go on holiday!


I don't like your attitude - if your attitude is the general on this forum, I will delete my profile instantly!

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I dont know with you, but we dont close down our store to go on holiday!


I don't like your attitude - if your attitude is the general on this forum, I will delete my profile instantly!

nothing wrong with my attitude. its just you are hearing things that you dont want to hear. so we will start again.


what i am trying to say is if you are going to build a system or buy i system the first thing you need to do is make shure it is fit for its purpose. no one will be happy with a slow bad res system so the first thing you look for is fps and recording quality. you have said it is for a store. so you are going to need either 10 to 15 fps or higher on each camera or a system were you can set each camera for what you need. lets take you cash area this sould not be less than 15fps. you want to see everything that is happening with the money. if you go below then all you are going to get is staggered images or even miss the money changing hands. entrance you also need 12 to 15 fps so as you can try and catch the faces. (i have sent you fps demos side by side and you can change the fps on each camera) then you have a recording setting. cheap systems are cif only you need 4cif or D1 over your cash points this is to make out what is going into the cashdraw. and also storage (H/D space) for a store 48hrs is no good. you need at least a week. but more would be better.

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nothing wrong with my attitude. its just you are hearing things that you dont want to hear. so we will start again.


First of all, you shoot down all everything I write. Just because you don't like the idea of my needs, dosen't say that it can be done!


what i am trying to say is if you are going to build a system or buy i system the first thing you need to do is make shure it is fit for its purpose. no one will be happy with a slow bad res system so the first thing you look for is fps and recording quality. you have said it is for a store. so you are going to need either 10 to 15 fps or higher on each camera or a system were you can set each camera for what you need. lets take you cash area this sould not be less than 15fps. you want to see everything that is happening with the money. if you go below then all you are going to get is staggered images or even miss the money changing hands. entrance you also need 12 to 15 fps so as you can try and catch the faces. (i have sent you fps demos side by side and you can change the fps on each camera) then you have a recording setting. cheap systems are cif only you need 4cif or D1 over your cash points this is to make out what is going into the cashdraw. and also storage (H/D space) for a store 48hrs is no good. you need at least a week. but more would be better.


I don't need more that 48 hour, period! If there is missing cash, we can see it on our register, and see excact what clerk did it. We can see that for every day - and at the end of the day, I can check the video to see where the money went.


I can not use footage older than 48 to anything else than filling up my HD.

If there is an alarm in the night, well I will not wait over 48 hours to see that!


Listen to MY needs instead of YOUR needs!

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nothing wrong with my attitude. its just you are hearing things that you dont want to hear. so we will start again.


First of all, you shoot down all everything I write. Just because you don't like the idea of my needs, dosen't say that it can be done!


what i am trying to say is if you are going to build a system or buy i system the first thing you need to do is make shure it is fit for its purpose. no one will be happy with a slow bad res system so the first thing you look for is fps and recording quality. you have said it is for a store. so you are going to need either 10 to 15 fps or higher on each camera or a system were you can set each camera for what you need. lets take you cash area this sould not be less than 15fps. you want to see everything that is happening with the money. if you go below then all you are going to get is staggered images or even miss the money changing hands. entrance you also need 12 to 15 fps so as you can try and catch the faces. (i have sent you fps demos side by side and you can change the fps on each camera) then you have a recording setting. cheap systems are cif only you need 4cif or D1 over your cash points this is to make out what is going into the cashdraw. and also storage (H/D space) for a store 48hrs is no good. you need at least a week. but more would be better.


I don't need more that 48 hour, period! If there is missing cash, we can see it on our register, and see excact what clerk did it. We can see that for every day - and at the end of the day, I can check the video to see where the money went.


I can not use footage older than 48 to anything else than filling up my HD.

If there is an alarm in the night, well I will not wait over 48 hours to see that!


Listen to MY needs instead of YOUR needs!



see i was nice to you. these are not my needs this is what you need. so you say you can see were the money has gone from the till without that frame rate by looking at your till roll. bull. you dont need more than 48 hours. ok many stores that get robbed starts a few days before they will come into your store look at security look for other exits out see how many work there see if you have security staff. then they go away and plan what they are going to do. this is the only time you might get the chance to get a face to catch them so yes you need more than 48hrs. also cctv is very good for stock control put 4 bottles of budlight out your till shows 1 sold but the self is empty who took it and how long ago if it was more than 48hrs ago you wont get that. but you know best thats why you came on here i dont think it matters who gives you advise you will still fit that crap.

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You still haven't given me advice on my first question! And you haven't been nice at all! Read your own posts again!


I will take advice, when someone starts to give me some I can use!

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You still haven't given me advice on my first question! And you haven't been nice at all! Read your own posts again!


I will take advice, when someone starts to give me some I can use!


"Please and Thank you" will help !

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I have had a geovision gv800-4 that worked great but needed more cameras and can't affored $1200.00 for a 16 camera setup. I found a 16 cam card for under $200 that is 720x480 & 480fps i ordered 1 and after running it for a couple a months i added a 2nd for 32 cams it runs flawlesly and just as good as the geovision card. i also ordered dome infared cams for $40 bucks and they are just as good on resolution and better infared than the cams i paid $300 to $400 for. the reason i treid the card was cause of the return policy and don't regret it at all.

i have been buying and playing with this stuff for over 5yrs & thrown out alot of stuff cause it was junk.


Thank you very much!


I have found the card to $179

What software do you use with it?


I also found some cheap 16 channels GeoVision (used)

I will look into them also.

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I have had a geovision gv800-4 that worked great but needed more cameras and can't affored $1200.00 for a 16 camera setup. I found a 16 cam card for under $200 that is 720x480 & 480fps i ordered 1 and after running it for a couple a months i added a 2nd for 32 cams it runs flawlesly and just as good as the geovision card. i also ordered dome infared cams for $40 bucks and they are just as good on resolution and better infared than the cams i paid $300 to $400 for. the reason i treid the card was cause of the return policy and don't regret it at all.

the web site is cctvhotdeals. i have been buying and playing with this stuff for over 5yrs & thrown out alot of stuff cause it was junk.


Thank you very much!


I have found the card to $179

What software do you use with it?


I also found some cheap 16 channels GeoVision (used)

I will look into them also.



HI Did you get the demos that i sent for you. ???

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I just got a GeoVision GV800 with 16 inputs, and a GV600 with 16 inputs on ebay for $143 total.


I knew I could get something desent for under $200

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I just got a GeoVision GV800 with 16 inputs, and a GV600 with 16 inputs on ebay for $143 total.


I knew I could get something desent for under $200



well done. but your pc spec you have will not run either of them cards. oh and by the way you dont have to say thank you for all the info i sent you. but anyway good luck with your cards

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I just got a GeoVision GV800 with 16 inputs, and a GV600 with 16 inputs on ebay for $143 total.


I knew I could get something desent for under $200



well done. but your pc spec you have will not run either of them cards. oh and by the way you dont have to say thank you for all the info i sent you. but anyway good luck with your cards



You still dident send me any usefull info - so why thank you?


I have other systems I can run it on, no problems there.

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I just got a GeoVision GV800 with 16 inputs, and a GV600 with 16 inputs on ebay for $143 total.


I knew I could get something desent for under $200



well done. but your pc spec you have will not run either of them cards. oh and by the way you dont have to say thank you for all the info i sent you. but anyway good luck with your cards



You still dident send me any usefull info - so why thank you?


I have other systems I can run it on, no problems there.



on all my time on here you have been the most ungrateful BOY. you know nothing of fps so i send you live demos/ with so much cctv info and you say its not usefull.

YOU LITTLE BOY. IS GOING TO SPEND a lot of time on this forum looking for help with your clone gv cards. $75 each and you think they are real. i give up and i hope everyone else does

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on all my time on here you have been the most ungrateful BOY. you know nothing of fps so i send you live demos/ with so much cctv info and you say its not usefull.

YOU LITTLE BOY. IS GOING TO SPEND a lot of time on this forum looking for help with your clone gv cards. $75 each and you think they are real. i give up and i hope everyone else does


You have only written what I CAN'T do - where is the help in that?


I can read your other posts on this forum, you act like this in all other threads!


Your are the most incompetent OLD STINKY MAN I have ever meet!

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