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Recently my car was break in, a dude stole my video camera then

put on kijiji. the problem was not the camera but the pictures and videos

of my first born child. time that I will never get it back. got the police involved

after I was being black mailed by that guy.


Anyways I put a camera at home a wireless cam so I can monitor on the internet.

my question is can I connect a second camera to the one that I have ??

even that the receiver have 4 channels ???


Im planning to buy one of those nanny camera and put it inside the car

using the same receiver but I dont know if it possible.??


Im am new in my area and the neighbours commented that such a thing is not the

first time on my street. I cant stop thinking about my child picture if you have kids you

will understand what it means.



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I know you won't want to... but please trust me and all the other pros: loose the wireless crap.

Any of that cheap ebay wireless stuff are child's toys... You have to run power anyway, might as well run video. Much better quality, far more reliable.


What are you using to record?

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I am planning to get a close view of the person who is doing

so all the neighbours are on the watch so far. I have a swam

cam so far the night vision is working great as wireless just

trying to avoid cables all around the house.


and have remote access to see what's going when I am working

I work 2 shift over night my wife is panic and dont want to stay

at her mother because she cant sleep during the night as per she sense

that someone is hanging outside our house. one of the neighbour actually spotted

someone going true the driveway he waited to this guy cross the line

to come call the cops and come out. but the guys left.


This is nothing for ever but to deal with this situation, the police actually know who are

traspasing private property and breaking cars but there nto witness or camera to bring the guy

to the hole. I was actually told that this guy come out when the weather is nice menaing that

spring and summer.


To record I am using my VCR untill I get a cable RCA to USB to make it record on my computer


any help will be appreciated

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I am planning to get a close view of the person who is doing

so all the neighbours are on the watch so far. I have a swam

cam so far the night vision is working great as wireless just

trying to avoid cables all around the house.


and have remote access to see what's going when I am working

I work 2 shift over night my wife is panic and dont want to stay

at her mother because she cant sleep during the night as per she sense

that someone is hanging outside our house. one of the neighbour actually spotted

someone going true the driveway he waited to this guy cross the line

to come call the cops and come out. but the guys left.


This is nothing for ever but to deal with this situation, the police actually know who are

traspasing private property and breaking cars but there nto witness or camera to bring the guy

to the hole. I was actually told that this guy come out when the weather is nice menaing that

spring and summer.


To record I am using my VCR untill I get a cable RCA to USB to make it record on my computer


any help will be appreciated



Hi zorro.


First thing bpzle is right stay far away from wireless. unless you pay for a wifi system. also stay away from the usb recorders. not reliable.


it sounds like your wife is having a bad time with it. so look for a system that is going to work and do the job. it might be better if you find a company from the forum who is close to you. just let the forum know were you are.

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we live in a pretty nice neighborhood... but there's nothing to steal in the ghetto so they come here. i can relate...


someone try to pop open a window with a screwdriver once while my wife was home alone. they didn't know she was here, must have knocked while she was in the shower. needless to say, she was pretty shaken up for quite some time.


I installed a DVR with a drop multiplex drop monitor in the kitchen. If she hears a weird sound, or there's someone at the door all she has to do is flip on the monitors and instantly puts to rest that panic feeling. I also wired up a couple panic buttons, and integrated the system to our existing alarm panel. so now myself, friends and family, neighbors... we all get a text message if something happens or she freaks out and mashes a panic button.


A 4 channel dvr like the Avermedia EB3004NSP and a couple panic buttons like this: http://www.alarmsystemstore.com/product-p/usp%20hub2sa.htm

would be a perfect, cheap alternative to a monitored alarm system. Plus you can catch a little video footage...


Just hook up your single crappy cam for now. Add real ones later as your budget grows.


This would do wonders for just your wife's comfort and feeling of safety. That should be priority one for you, or any man... All your material stuff insurance can take care of.


Honestly, with out really pouring some cash into this (you probably won't), you're not going to get the proper footage you need for proper facial recognition... So unless you're ready to open your wallet, forget about catching someone with your CCTV footage.


And you can forget about watching live all the time and catching them in the act... the odds are just stacked against you. You can't watch your CCTV 24/7. Just put up some cameras that send a clear message "go somewhere else."

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