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HELP!! AVTECH avc760z Not Working!

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Dear all,


First I must say that this site/forum is excellent, and many thanks to those who have contributed as it has helped me many times, however, this is my first post and unfortunately it is a request with help as to why my AVTECH (adata) AVC760Z(UK) has stopped working.


The problems began when I unplugged a monitor lead and replaced it with another lead. It then started to do a non-stop high pitch noise, all the lights went off & the Power light was flickering. In the end the only way to stop it was to remove the 19v power supply. Now, every time I try to connect, it just does this constant high pitch buzzer/alarm type noise and no power light comes on. I am desperate to get the contents off the hard-drive. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening and what i could do to fix it?/Retrieve the video footage from the Hard Drive?


Many thanks in advance.

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you may have a dead power supply.


Do you know someone with a laptop with a replacement power cord? They have these universal power supplies with different tips to match various laptops. If you can get ahold of one of these, or buy one then we can rule out the external power supply.


Disconnect the hard drive. Turn the DVR on and see if it does the same.


If yes then try the power supply replacement, or you have more problems.


If it works normally (except for recording as the hard drive is removed) then you need to replace the hard drive and you data may be lost. Try connecting to a computer and copy the data with ghost, or Acronis.

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Checked power supply, tried with another alternative like you suggested, and I still get the high pitch alarm/buzzer with no lights on the box.


I take it you mean using Norton Ghost and Acronis True Image?


Can either of these programmes's read the Hard Drive a d it's contents? I thought that the hard Drive's of these DVR's came straight from the factory and weren't PC compatible. I do have a IDE 3.5" mobile enclosure. If i was to place it in that and connect to my PC, would Acronis or Ghost see what's on there, it's just that I tried connecting using the Caddy already, but this was before I found out that they weren't PC readable, and nothing showed up, but that was just trying to connect as an external drive, without Ghost or Acronis.


I went through the sequence of events with my friend as to what happened for this to occur, and we may have a possible scenario as to why.


1. We replaced the Monitor cable with a RCA adapter, attached a yellow RCA lead to a scart converter. We plugged the RCA lead into the yellow port of a scart converter which we were then able to watch through the VCR then scart out to a TV - a lot cheaper alternative to a RF modulator, and seeing as I didn't have a DVDR at the time I was going to record the footage onto VHS.


2. We saw that work, and we then decided we could maybe connect what we were watching on TV to the S-video connector on the laptop and capture the video that way instead of using the VCR.


3. We then hadto swap leads to make this work, and this is where the malfunction could have happened, due to lack of leads, we had to swap the single RCA with a RWY RCA lead-to-scart. It would have been we thought, however, on the scart connector was IN/OUT. We think that the VCR might have sent a signal back-up to monitor as opposed to having receive a signal. Could this change of direction of power (possibly) have messed something up?


Also, due to the urgency of getting the information off the Harddrive, is it possible to maybe get another same model AVTECH DVR and simply place this harddrive into the newbox and it would work?



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Ghost and Acronis was to transfer the "data" to another hard drive as you mentioned you wanted to keep the video footage.


Not knowing what was wrong I suggested it in case the hard drive was the problem. You will not be able to read the data as the video is wrapped in a proprietary format. You can read the 1's and 0's but it will not mean anything.


It would be better to transfer the drive to another DVR of the same model to retrieve the video. You may have problems using the menu to get the video with the time stamps being different, but you should be able to get to the video.

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As your words, I thought you haven't GND DVR to avoid the static. So probability your DVR mainboard has down. you can open the case of DVR, see is somewhere has burned, usually was capacitance. Bad situation is your mainboard was down, very bad was even your HDD was down too.


All DVR need GND protection, if you are lucky, you can try to plug it again after doing that, but please sure you haven't got wrong power supply for DVR and monitor, is that you used LCD monitor?

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