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how to clean a Camera lens ??

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Hi all I just got some Pelco cameras and some of the lens have what appear to have smudges or small spots on the lens. I dont know if they are finger prints or what. (If you have ever tried cleaning a Plasma TV screen you know what I mean) I dont know if there is a coating they put on the lens or not. I dont want to wreck the lens? What is the best way to clean them? The spots may or not hurt the quality I dont know. thanks

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Hi, you can normally buy a lens cleaning kit from a Still Camera/Photopgrahy store.

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if you use packaged wipes make sure they are not overly wet/saturated---you don't want fluid getting behind a lens element then drying to a nice crust blob.

I have a small fine atomizer that I fill with 1/3 white vinegar and 2/3 water mix...spray a bit on a microfiber cloth and wipe the lens--buff it with a dry microfiber cloth

Never spray anything directly on any camera lens

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The best way to clean a lens is not to get it dirty. In most camera stores you'll find an alcohol-based lens cleaning fluid that is well worth having. It will help you to lift off fingerprints and other smudges without leaving streaks on your lens or filter. Just one drop at a time or two wiped in a gentle circular motion

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A handy thing to keep in your tool belt is a Lens pen.


They're resold by Nikon, Leupold, etc... but you an also get them at lenspen.com

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I know this may sound strange, but Anti-freeze is very good for cleaning glass. It does not smear or leave streaks etc.

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Actually, almost any kind of solvent which be able to evaporate quickly (before it absorb too much water) can bu used to clean lens.

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