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Hey all, Im interested in testing some surveliance equipment.

I dont fully grasp all the options available yet so rather than spend a week reading through your forum I though I'd ask for some help


I'd like to setup a dedicated pc for this task. I would like it to basically keep an eye on the yard whilest im away. Im thinking motion detection is a must. The pc im planning on using at the moment is a PII 350 128MB Intel440BX GF4MX440. If it could be ran headless over network using linux that would be a plus. Would it be sufficient for 1 camera? Now I already have a MSI Tv@nywhere in another computer. Im assuming I would have to get a specialty dvr card for multiple cameras?


What camera should I get? Audio is not necessary. I would like to have good ~ betterthanaverage quality, may be mounted outdoors (under eave). Id rather spend a little extra to get a quality product.


Are there stand-alone ip-camera's that are decent? How do they compare to having the camera running off the pc?


Id like to start by getting this setup with one camera taking stills when it senses motion. I think id like to get a camera that can be tested with my msitv@anywhere/windowsxp if possible. Then workout getting the extra camera's/proper dvr card/final software solution.


Thanks a bunch


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Sorry man, but you need at the minimum, a P4 or high end celeron is needed for a PC based DVR. Also, minimum is 256 ram, plus I recommend no less than 80gig HD space for even the cheapest card that you get.


IP cameras are at least around 1000.00 each.


A basic setup for let's say, a 4 camera system, weather you go with GEO, or I-VIEW (THE MAIN CARDS IN THAT ARE DISCUSSED IN THIS FORUM) without the PC, and 4 inexpensive color bullets, you are looking in the area of $1000.00 or more depending on what DVR card and cameras you get.


I suggest to spend the week reading thru the forum so that you can educate yourself and this way you can make a educated decition when it comes to get your system together.



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Thanks for the reply bro.


Ok, I was skeptical wether or not my PII would be of any use. Thats fine, ill get something faster.


Ip cameras are out


Did some more reading, looks like im gonna get a dvr that supports up to 4 cam's. The Geo and I-view are windows only? And are you stuck with using the software that comes with them only? Im new to dvr, but in my experience bundled software is usually crap (msi tv@nywhere lol ).


Could i get some recommendation for camera's? Color would be nice, daytime only, and maybe mounted outside (probly not). Do they work well aimed through a window to outside?



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Any DVR you buy, you are stuck with the software that comes with it, unless you are going to write your own, but that could take some time ...


With a PC based you have much more flexebility though, more features, otherwise if you want plug and play and dont need all the features, then there are the stand alone RTOS DVRs. In the world of Stand Alones, there are the good, the bad, and the ugly, take a look around here first before making any desicions ..

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Both Avermedia & Lilin make Linux cards, but we have had Networking problems with the Avermedia units.

We tested the Lilin card & it was stable & worked O.K. but when they gave us a price it was way to expensive.

Avermedia sells to end users but I don't think Lilin does.

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