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DVR to LCD monitor wireless transmittion

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Dear All,


Can I check have anyone done it before, how is it?

My main requirement is not wireless camera to DVR, I am running 16 channel DVR outpout video source to LCD monitor which is located at about 150M away, LOS should be consider good.


I also have cat5e connected from DVR location to LCD location

problems is client consider it to laggy. I also have RG59 cabling from DVR location to LCD location, problem is that is double image on the LCD when on RG59.


I try using video amplifier to boost the signal, I try using balun but

still cannot improve the double image problem. Now I am betting on wireless transmittion.


Any one can propose a better solution?

Thanks in advance



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What output are you using on the DVR, VGA or BNC? Either way, there should be no lag - going wireless certainly wouldn't speed things up any, in fact it would probably ADD lag.


When you say you get "double images" using the coax, do you mean you get two of the same view side-by-side, or that you get "ghosting" in the image? The former would indicate an incorrect setting in the monitor; the latter would probably be a physical problem with the cabling.


What exactly does the client consider "laggy" here? It's hard to troubleshoot the problem, let alone prescribe a solution, without knowing exactly what the problem looks like.

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Dear All,


I am using BNC output from DVR to a converter BNC/VGA to LCD monitor.If I am using cat 5e cable through local Lan, there is a 2 second lapsed in term of real time, My client cannot accept a 2 second lapsed from real time .


I am having 2 side by side image for all the 16 cameras for DVR 1 and 2 side by side image for DVR 2 (total of 36 cameras) viewing through 2 LCD monitor. If you mean incorrect setting of monitor, how do I adjusted it ? there is no adjustment at all on the montior except for contrast brightness etc which have no effect on the double image.


Things that I have tried before which include


1) instead of a DVR, I replaced a VCD player using the coxial cable, no problem with image.


2) Running 200 Meter cable from DVR to LCD monitor, no problem


But I do have six coxial cable running from DVR location to LCD location of which 2 is use for DVR to LCD monitor, the other 4 cable is not use


Any help is deeply appreaciated



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I don't understand how you're running through the LAN - you're running via video/IP encoders, and then decoders at the monitor end? That would certainly induce a time delay, although 2 seconds seems a little excessive. Bit of an expensive work-around too, no?


What monitors are these? Do they have BNC inputs? If you already have coax in place, that would be your best bet, to just plug in directly - DVR1 out to MON1 in, DVR2 out to MON2 in. I don't know why it would work with a DVD player but not with the DVR, unless theres something else incorrect about how you have it connected.

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  advanet123 said:


2) Running 200 Meter cable from DVR to LCD monitor, no problem



this will be your problem. max run for cctv 100m. you will need to add a booster to get to 200m

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  tomcctv said:
  advanet123 said:


2) Running 200 Meter cable from DVR to LCD monitor, no problem



this will be your problem. max run for cctv 100m. you will need to add a booster to get to 200m

He just said there's no problem with that setup...

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  Soundy said:
  tomcctv said:
  advanet123 said:


2) Running 200 Meter cable from DVR to LCD monitor, no problem



this will be your problem. max run for cctv 100m. you will need to add a booster to get to 200m

He just said there's no problem with that setup...


you would not see a problem when using a dvd player as he has said as a dvd player has a much stronger signal. you will not get a cctv output to run 200m without a amplifier.

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  tomcctv said:
  tomcctv said:
  advanet123 said:


2) Running 200 Meter cable from DVR to LCD monitor, no problem



this will be your problem. max run for cctv 100m. you will need to add a booster to get to 200m


you would not see a problem when using a dvd player as he has said as a dvd player has a much stronger signal. you will not get a cctv output to run 200m without a amplifier.


Have another coffee, tom, I don't think you're quite awake yet He also said in the original post that he's tried an amplifier.


He also said the LCD is about 150m from the DVR, and that there are six runs already in place... I get the impression that this was a separate 200m length he used just as a test, probably dragging across the floor.

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  tomcctv said:


you would not see a problem when using a dvd player as he has said as a dvd player has a much stronger signal. you will not get a cctv output to run 200m without a amplifier.


Where did you get idea that DVD has "stronger output" ?

NTCS has standard as 1 volt P-P with 75 Ohm load

every piece of Video Equipment has to follow

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Dear All,


Thanks for the help. OK let me go into details


1) I am using Kodicom DVR 16 ch (2 sets of DVR) at location A.

The monitors (2 sets) are located at the guardhouse(Location B) which is about 150M away from location A. We are lucky to run 6 coxial cable plus 1 cat 5e cable from Location A to Location B.


2)The connection is DVR video output (BNC to BNC) to (BNC to VGA) to the monitor


3) When I connected DVR 1 to MOnitor 1 and DVR 2 to Monitor 2 through the coxial cables, both the monitors have double image (side by side).


4) I try using balun to boost up the signal (that fails) , I went to a local dealer to add a video amplifier but that failed also. So, they recommend me another model that will cost about 1.5K that guarantee me result (this I have not try yet)


5)Another method I did was running a network switch connected from the 2 DVR and join to the Guardhouse forming a local LAN network without internet access. I run 2 PC at the guardhse to run the DVR Central management Software. But customer (fussy) insisted that it is too laggy.


6) So desperate that I disconnected all the 32 cameras and connect only 1 panasonic dome camera to see if the image is ok

Still the double image is there


I am on my wits end, I try using a VCD player to connect to the montior with the same RG59 cables, that image run ok.


I run the same cable on the flooring to the guardhouse and test the cable lenght, no problem.


MY problems cannot be solve, my header is bigger by the day


I suspected


1) Grounding ??? maybe as the VCD is a 2 pin w/o ground

2) Monitor Setting: is there anything for me to set on the montior

3) The 4 extra cable is creating problem ????


Help I am lost, client refuse to pay until problem is resolve



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  advanet123 said:

2)The connection is DVR video output (BNC to BNC) to (BNC to VGA) to the monitor


3) When I connected DVR 1 to MOnitor 1 and DVR 2 to Monitor 2 through the coxial cables, both the monitors have double image (side by side).




6) So desperate that I disconnected all the 32 cameras and connect only 1 panasonic dome camera to see if the image is ok

Still the double image is there


Interesting. This, to me, suggests some sort of issue or incompatibility with the BNC/VGA adapters. Are these active (powered) units?


4) I try using balun to boost up the signal (that fails)

Baluns do nothing to boost signal; they're intended for running video signals over twisted-pair wire.


, I went to a local dealer to add a video amplifier but that failed also. So, they recommend me another model that will cost about 1.5K that guarantee me result (this I have not try yet)

Is this 1.5K unit another amplifier, or a BNC/VGA adapter? If the problem is a signal incompatibility, simply boosting the signal won't help.


I am on my wits end, I try using a VCD player to connect to the montior with the same RG59 cables, that image run ok.

Hmmm.... there may be a clue here. Where are you located? VCDs are uncommon in North America - are you somewhere with a PAL video system? Are the DVRs perhaps using NTSC output and the BNC/VGA converters are PAL, or vice-versa? That could certainly explain the double image (although that's not the usual symptom, but I have seen the mix create some odd results)



2) Monitor Setting: is there anything for me to set on the montior

No, but possibly on the BNC/VGA adapter...

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Dear Soundy,


I check and confirm that they are on PAL, I am in Asia, that is why I am using a PAL system. I think I also ever try using a LCD TV with BNC to RCA connectors to connect it, but I think the double image still persist. I read through the net again and again.


Most of the theory only point to 75 ohms termination. I am not sure what to do next, so hope that wireless may do the job. One thing to mention though, if I am using a short cable with the same montior, it does not have this problem





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  advanet123 said:
Dear Soundy,


I check and confirm that they are on PAL, I am in Asia, that is why I am using a PAL system. I think I also ever try using a LCD TV with BNC to RCA connectors to connect it, but I think the double image still persist. I read through the net again and again.


Most of the theory only point to 75 ohms termination. I am not sure what to do next, so hope that wireless may do the job. One thing to mention though, if I am using a short cable with the same montior, it does not have this problem







AT 150m you need a amplifier (not a standard tv type)

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2) Running 200 Meter cable from DVR to LCD monitor, no problem
This seems like a very important piece of the puzzle to me. Does this mean that you ran a different RG59 cable temporarily from the DVR to the BNC>VGA adapter and that everything worked fine with this cable? No double image?


If so, it appears you already solved your problem. With cable 1, it doesn't work, switch to cable 2 and it works, that is pretty clear that the problem is a bad cable. Run a new cable. But, that is so obvious, there's probably a language-barrier problem and I'm misunderstanding.


Other than that, the BNC>VGA converter is a prime suspect in my mind. Try finding some screen with a BNC connection to use temporarily so you can plug the BNC cable directly into the screen and see if you get the same problem.

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RG59 SHOULD be okay for that distance, but here's something you can try: since you have the Cat5 in place, try disconnecting it from the network and use the baluns on it to connect the video (in other words, the baluns via Cat5 take the place of the coax run).

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Dear All,


How I wished it is that simple, I have 6 RG59 cables that run from location A in a building that run underground in a conduit to location B about 150M. I test all the 6 cables, all without result (all double image). What I did was physically run a new cable fly over the building , run across the road into location B. I did this to verify if it is due to cable lenght, but when I did this test, it is ok, not double image. So I rule out cable length problem , I rule out monitor, I rule out VGA converter.


As per second suggestion to use the cat5e with Balun. I have 2 DVRs at location A and 2 monitor at Location B, is it possble to use a single cat5e to out 2 seperate monitors. PLease let me know, as I am about to kill someone already



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  advanet123 said:
As per second suggestion to use the cat5e with Balun. I have 2 DVRs at location A and 2 monitor at Location B, is it possble to use a single cat5e to out 2 seperate monitors.


Yes; in fact, you can run up to four separate video signals over one Cat5e.

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Can you provide a photo of the monitors with the "double image"? It might help provide a clue as to the problem.


Exact makes and models of ALL the equipment involved (DVRs, monitors, adapters/converters, amplifiers, even baluns) could be useful as well.

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  advanet123 said:
Dear All,


How I wished it is that simple, I have 6 RG59 cables that run from location A in a building that run underground in a conduit to location B about 150M. I test all the 6 cables, all without result (all double image). What I did was physically run a new cable fly over the building , run across the road into location B. I did this to verify if it is due to cable lenght, but when I did this test, it is ok, not double image. So I rule out cable length problem , I rule out monitor, I rule out VGA converter.


As per second suggestion to use the cat5e with Balun. I have 2 DVRs at location A and 2 monitor at Location B, is it possble to use a single cat5e to out 2 seperate monitors. PLease let me know, as I am about to kill someone already



How about a computer and view the cameras over the network?

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  rory said:
How about a computer and view the cameras over the network?

Middle of page 1, Rory:


  advanet123 said:
5)Another method I did was running a network switch connected from the 2 DVR and join to the Guardhouse forming a local LAN network without internet access. I run 2 PC at the guardhse to run the DVR Central management Software. But customer (fussy) insisted that it is too laggy.

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  advanet123 said:
Dear All,


How I wished it is that simple, I have 6 RG59 cables that run from location A in a building that run underground in a conduit to location B about 150M. I test all the 6 cables, all without result (all double image). What I did was physically run a new cable fly over the building , run across the road into location B. I did this to verify if it is due to cable lenght, but when I did this test, it is ok, not double image. So I rule out cable length problem , I rule out monitor, I rule out VGA converter.

OK! So I understood correctly. This test rules out everything, as you said, except for cabling! there's something wrong in that cabling run those 6 cables are going through. Maybe they're all kinked, maybe they pass too close to an electrical line or something else causing interference, maybe the conduit or whatever they are in has flooded and they're all underwater, an animal has chewed the lines up... Who knows!?! But it is definitely something with the signal getting from one end of the cable run to the other end -- your troubleshooting proves that.


Using your CAT 5 is a good idea. If that doesn't work, you could fish the new cable that you ran over top the road, that you know works, through with the other 6 cables and see if it works. Or a high-quality, shielded cable.

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