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Super low light cameras -- RORY this is for you

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I was looking at a similar product from a different manufacturer recently... I believe they have extreamly slow shutter speeds??? I would be interested to see moving targets. Something actually useful. Still impressive though. Looks like daylight with full color.

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EMCCD has no relation to low shutter speed. Such kind of CCD has an embedded multi-stage amplifier between integration and read out module. Therefore it has much much lower readout noise compared with "regular" CCD. However, in order to get best result, cooling is essential, so condensing could be a problem for some application.


The video clip on youtube is quite impressive, it reminds me one picture which I took with my Canon 10D camera ( with 30 sec exposure )

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thanks, yep I know about EMCCD .. saw them first a few years ago, though the comparison camera in that youtube video is not named, it could be a 10 lux camera for all we know. The comparisons I have seen of EMCCD previously were much better IMO as they are done in darker conditions, the EMCCD camera in those cases actually looked like it was in the dark, while this youtube one looks like its during the day or before sundown going by the amount of light in the sky. Also I cant afford EMCCD and I dont need color in low light, just BW, but if someone buys it for me I wont hesitate to use it

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