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Door cameras and advice needed.

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I need a camera for my frount door I was going to get a peep hole camera but seem to be getting talked out of it. I am worried about not seeing people if they are to close to the door. so I would appreate some guidence


I have a standard residential door with a thin window to the right of the door. The porch is covered so if I mount something out side it will not get rain or sun. I perfer something small.


so my options are:

a peep hole camera,

camera above door,

camera to the side of the door inside or out


The security system has a motion sensor out there and can turn on the porch light when someone approaches but I would still like color and decent low light performance but is not critical.


My system is also ip based so I will need a ip camera or a converter. I don't want to go over kill incase someone disides to yank it off and steal it or smash it if it is outside, but I am in a good neiborhood so that should not happen. I relise there are also vandel proof cameras but the domes get quite large and mounting may be a problem. Or it will look silly.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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There are several cameras that are designed to mount in the corner (shaped like a triangle) and they give great coverage on a front porch. You can also get units to convert analog signals to IP as well. More info would help for a better recommendation.

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