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Spytown I believe has commited fraud

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I was tricked by spytown and do not have the product I bought from them, Lorrie you tricked me!


They will not respond to my e-mails or have the powers that be return my call. Spytown give me the KT&C 800 cameras that I bought from you or I will call the NY Attorney General.




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Hi, I have to ask, since this is a serious allegation, how are you alleging they tricked you, or committed fraud?

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I will respond in more detail tonight, however If you paid for something you expect to have that product, if you payed for something and the vendor will not give you that product I believe is fraud. It seems that there is a numerous complaints towards them. Before I aired my dirty laundry, I gave them every opportunity to respond.




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Dispute it with your credit card company...hopefully you paid with a card.


There's a lesson learned here for everyone... cheapest online price isn't always worth the headaches.

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Well, Spytown said they did nothing wrong, and they can't help me. They still have the KT&C 800 cameras that were paid for and my CC company said that it's not their problem. We had a three way conversation with the CC company, ST, and myself, outlining the deal, ST said one thing and did another as witnessed by Sue from Visa and than conveyed to me in a two way conversation stating that the did not honor the phone agreement. I'll get in more detail tonight if anyone interested and if the moderator is gracious to let me.



To give you a little back ground on my company (not trying to boast)

we have been in business for 23 years, have a telecom licence, dealers for JBL, Crown, Soundcraft, Harmon International, IC Realtime.

We make large purchases and provide large contractual services and never have a problem, even with end users and picky musicians.


Thanks, Frank

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Should I lodge a criminal complaint against spytown for fraud, I paid for a product and did not recieved it. And if so should I call the police in their town or in mine. Any suggestions would be helpful.



Thanks, Frank

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How long has it been? Did you speak to them and what did they tell you? Did they receive the order?

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Hi Rory,


They will not give a reason why they won't return them, I bet they sold them for "B" stock and can not produce them and yes KT&C did received them back from me and than KT& C returned them back to Spytown on around 9/18/08 all of this info was confirmed by KT&C and UPS. This is how long this has been dragging on for. They tell me the owner is going to call me on Monday to go over everything, I than again asked for the cameras back with no answer. Will he be a straight up business man and do the right thing ?




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SO enough with accusations and assumptions. What actually happened? Why is it that I suspect there's more to the story?


What's so complicated about buying cameras online and them never sending out the product? Why did YOU send them to KT&C?


I have every CC imaginable... If I paid for products I never received I can easily dispute.



Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to defend sleazy online internet stores... but there's holes in your story buddy.

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They will not give a reason why they won't return them, I bet they sold them for "B" stock and can not produce them and yes KT&C did received them back from me and than KT& C returned them back to Spytown on around 9/18/08 all of this info was confirmed by KT&C and UPS. This is how long this has been dragging on for. They tell me the owner is going to call me on Monday to go over everything, I than again asked for the cameras back with no answer. Will he be a straight up business man and do the right thing ?


Am I reading that correctly...? Are you speaking about some cameras you returned almost 2 years ago? 9/18/08 as in september 2008?

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Well here you go,



I have to do this in two or three parts.


We bought a Speco system, cameras and a DVR, from ST. We installed them outside, and was not happy with the cameras. We than called ST to get a price for some KT&C 800's with no intentions of returning the Speco's, however in my conversation with Lorri I explained that we were not happy with the Speco's and going to replace them with KT&C800's I explained that we had installed the speco's and used them outside. She than devised this deal that If I return the speco's she would send me the KT&C and charge me the difference, as the KT were more expensive, we both agreed. Keep in mind she knew full well that they were installed and used outside.



I than removed the specos, damaging one as the coax got caught on the metal building, my fault, I will buy this one, but I did repaired it.


We than sent back the speco and received the kt's we installed the kt's where the specos were. ( simple enough, right ?) After installing the kt's one day they looked great, as soon as the IR's at night kicked in, ground bar city. I than spent two weeks trying to figure out the problem. I found the problem was that the KT&C800 will not work with my Altronics power supply, I called KT's tech support and explained the situation, I talked to a man named, Chu I think his name was, he communicated to me that the 800's have a "factory defect" that we are working on this problem. Part 2 coming.


Have you guys seen the online reviews about ST.

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to be honest with you none of this looks like spytowns problem at all. this looks like you did not know what you were buying in the first place. and it look as if spytown has lost money. what is he going to do with used cameras. and as far as the power supply you should have know that you would require i bigger supply. you cant expect him to also replace that at his cost. you have run into these problems because you are not an installer. spytown uses this forum lets see what he has to say about you posting his company as fraudulant for the whole world to see

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number one I am an installer and a dealer, number two, it is the largest power supply Altronics use to make and works with every other camera in the system. Number 3 that system is what the customer wanted. Do you work for spytown ? I think you do.


Bottom line, I payed for 2 sets of cameras I only have one and Spytown has the other or has sold them. Explain how has ST lost money. THEY WERE PAID FOR !


All I want is the cameras , is that to much to ask. The reason why I am bring this back up against ST, I ran across new threads with other complaints on CCTV Forum, complaints on BBB.

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number one I am an installer and a dealer, number two, it is the largest power supply Altronics use to make and works with every other camera in the system. Number 3 that system is what the customer wanted. Do you work for spytown ? I think you do.


Bottom line, I payed for 2 sets of cameras I only have one and Spytown has the other or has sold them. Explain how has ST lost money. THEY WERE PAID FOR !


All I want is the cameras , is that to much to ask. The reason why I am bring this back up against ST, I ran across new threads with other complaints on CCTV Forum, complaints on BBB.



spytown i dont know them at all and i am 3475 mile from them. so no i dont work for them. but again i can see your problem READ YOUR POST AGAIN you did not say you paid for both cameras YOU SAID you paid the differance. so yes he has lost money (you have only paid for the last lot of cameras) not the first lot which are damaged (as you said) and are now secondhand.

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Im trying to understand ..

You paid for the first lot, which at this point were second hand .. if they were to sell them now they would have to sell them for cheap ..

Did you pay for the new set, complete price or a difference for second hand to new cameras?

Ok so these cameras did not work properly, so they were also sent back, to Spytown or KT&C?

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Part 2,



As I said TAE from KT&C communcatied to me that the KT&C800 model has a factory defect and they were trying to rectifiy the problem. I got a a RMA and sent the cameras back to kt, figuring they could retro fit a DC choke or some other repair to stop the ground bars, well I figured wrong.


KT&C sent me a letter stating that there was nothing wrong with the 800 and they told me to buy a new power supply and were sending me back the cameras. KT&C and ST said they could not issue me a refund for the money that I paid in full for. When the KT&C arrived I refused the package from UPS as advised by my CC company. So, I don't have them ST does.



Meanwhile I had recieved the specos back from ST because they said they were used outside and the screws were rusted and I would not be credited for the money I paid in full for. Now I called my CC company and told to stop payment to ST, this process went on for for over 8-10 months, It's now 2009.


As I said before in the exchange deal was ST would credit me for first set of cams and charge me the difference in price for the second set. The trick was ST had me pay for both sets first, (the speco's and the KT&C's) over 2K before they would issue me any credit. Another words I paid in full for the specos AND the KT's and recived no credit for any of them for the reasons stated above.


1) I have the specos

2) Spytown has the KT&C's

3) I payed in full for both sets


I just want the cameras that I payed for, nothing more.

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Ok though you mentioned you refused the KT&Cs?

So they went back to ST?

Does your payment show them, and if so, what does ST say about it?

Also, are they asking for payment for shipping them back to you?

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Hi Rory,



Yes, they went back to spytown. KT&C told me on Monday they do not have them. Yes, my credit card bill shows that both sets were payed for. I called spytown and spoke with Lorri about 6 months ago and requested them back and she told me they would call me back with a answer and they would look into it. I never got the return call. They are side stepping the question every time I e-mail them and I never get a direct answer from them about the cameras.

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They are sending back the KT&C, It sounds like they did not know they even had them ?


Thank You

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Sounds good then


I had a client order a camera and some fixed lenses from some other retail store, they shipped the camera to the Bahamas, then sent the lenses a week later!!

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