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Google Apps

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I just dropped my hosted exchange for a paid Google Apps account and so far I love it. I would like to know how people are using Google Apps with there business and how it improved your productivity. Also do you have any cool ideas that would help in the cctv install business using the forms, video and sites.


thanks guys

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i just throw my stuff on my website if i need to access it remotely, but i dont like the idea of others having my personal data or business files so i rarely upload anything like that and when I do its encrypted .. otherwise all my important stuff is secured locally and in safety deposit in a bank, i always have 3 copies in different locations just incase. Also I have all the apps I need myself so I dont need google's

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I use Google Apps, but there is a program I love probably even more than Google Apps: Dropbox


This one has indeed improvced my productivity, it syncs files across different locations, computers, and even devices. Most of my work files are stored on my Dropbox folder, and that means I can access them from any of my computers, home, office, or laptop on the road. I even have a Dropbox client on my Android mobile phone, but I have never given it any real use besides trying and saying "hey it works!". Working on a file at home and have tyo go to the office? No problem, save it, and when I get to the office the latest version will already be there.


What I think is even better; Dropbox stores older versions of your files, so you can always go back and recover some file you deleted, or some older version of that XLS file on where you erased some important information you needed. You can even access any of your files with a web interface from any internet enabled computer.


I do not think I would recomment Dropbox for storing sensitive data, since you have to keep in mind that your data is stored (mirrored) on some other company servers, but for daily usage it is great.


In case someone wants to try it out, here is my referral link for signing up. The free accounts give you 2Gb storage only, but with every referrer you get 250Mb extra (and so does the one signing up).



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Yea i am also a big fan of dropbox. I use it every day and i am thinking about upgrading to the pay on also.


I load all my manuals a folder then I can use my Ipad to view them when I need them in the field.


My Dropbox link click here get more free space when you sign up for a new account.



How do you guys use the Forms in Goolge Apps?


If you don't know what Forms are watch this video.


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rory try dropbox it is very handy

ahh just watched the video but too much of a security risk for me, having it share my computer over the internet, i dont know them like that

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Yea i am also a big fan of dropbox. I use it every day and i am thinking about upgrading to the pay on also.


I load all my manuals a folder then I can use my Ipad to view them when I need them in the field.


My Dropbox link click here get more free space when you sign up for a new account.



Hey, my referral link was here first...!!! You should just upgrade to a pay account, and then you woulnd't need to refer anyone!

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I like mediafire because all accounts can upload an unlimited number of files, unlimited storage space. 200MB max size of the file with the free account, or 2GB file sizes with the paid account. Also can assign names to the folders so its easier to share. And no software to install on your computer. Sorry I dont have any referral link .. too much hassle IMO.


eg: livevue is just a custom url i created and set to a sub folder, not the name of my account.


(free accounts only allowed 1 custom url though)

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Rory, Dropbox installs the folders in My Documents folder and will sync them between any computer you have Dropbox installed on. Also you don't have to install it on more then one computer because you can log into your Dropbox on any computer thought the web interface. You can also share folders with friends and or send links though email to download to people that don't have Dropbox. you also have apps for your iPhone/iPad and Andriod so you can see your contents on your mobile devices. Which I find very hand for PDF manuals.

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Thanks but I dont want their app sharing a folder on my computer over the internet!

Also Mediafire has unlimited storage space if I dont want to use my website, which i use most of all

and I dont have an iphone or android so no need for that.

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Problem with Mediafire, Rapidshare, et al, is as nice as they are for the person sharing, they're a royal PITA for the person downloading. You either pay for a subscription (which wouldn't be so bad if there were just one such service, rather than SEVERAL), or you sit and watch a clock count down until you can download the file (at reduced speed)... and if you happen to miss the timeout by more than a minute or two, you have to start all over.


More often than not, if I see someone sharing a file with one of these services, I just won't bother.


Dropbox, the files transfer quietly in the background whenever you're connected, until it just magically appears there with a little popup balloon informing you that you have a new file.

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Not with Mediafire, it takes you right to a download link, its unlimited uploads and downloads and can do multiple ones at once, its nothing like Rapidshare. eg: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=n2mj101uatk42

Sorry no pretty balloon but it opens the typical browser save file box.


Also, with MediaFire there is no need to install the software on the PC you want to upload from .. just login from any computer with a web browser and upload ... looks like with dropbox you need to install their software to upload from?


Not saying either is better, they are totally different type of apps, I prefer MediaFire, or to just use my website which I always backup anyway to removable drives locally as its included in my main backup folder.

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You can't compare Dropbox, with Mediafire, Megaupload, Rapidshare, or any of those, they are different things.


I want my files synced automatically. I want to work in one file at home, save it, go to my office, and have the latest version there. Without having to do anything at all. I do not want to "upload" it on a web page, I just want to have the latest version for me to work with. And then if I am on the road, I just turn on my laptop, and as soon as it gets internet connection it downloads the latest version of all files.


I am not using Dropbox so I can share files with other people and give them a direct link to the file; sure, I can do it, but for me that is not the main point of Dropbox.

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I want my files synced automatically. I want to work in one file at home, save it, go to my office, and have the latest version there. Without having to do anything at all. I do not want to "upload" it on a web page, I just want to have the latest version for me to work with. And then if I am on the road, I just turn on my laptop, and as soon as it gets internet connection it downloads the latest version of all files.


I just carry my USB drive for that actually I work off that drive, backup to other drives.

no internet needed, just plug it into any USB port and good to go

I goto alot jobs that have no internet BTW.

This way Im working on some code for an app on my netbook then i just unplug it and plug it into my desktop and its the same thing. No uploading or downloading (synced) involved.

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I just carry my USB drive for that actually I work off that drive, backup to other drives.

no internet needed, just plug it into any USB port and good to go

I goto alot jobs that have no internet BTW.

This way Im working on some code for an app on my netbook then i just unplug it and plug it into my desktop and its the same thing. No uploading or downloading (synced) involved.


Whatever if it suits you well. I do not need to carry any USB drives around for that, or waste even one second pluging it and copying files.

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Whatever if it suits you well. I do not need to carry any USB drives around for that, or waste even one second pluging it and copying files.


But there are precious minutes spent syncing it with the site.

I carry my main USB portable hard drive anyway as it has my data on it, fits in my pocket, dozens of GB of data and hundreds of thousands of files, no way will I ever be upload that data over the internet, ever. If my home burns down, my data is not lost, and I can work with it anywhere, internet or not, power or not (laptop). And when I get to a client who's internet is down I still can install software and do work, even with Internet no need to download a 300MB Software Installation over the internet and waste time. You dont have to copy anything with a USB drive once you are working off of it, just plug it into the USB port and voila .. magic! However syncing does involve copying and pasting which is what download and uploading is essentially doing. But whatever works for you thats all that matters.

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The idea behind Dropbox is to replace jump drives

Well the idea is flawed big time IMO.

How will they get their data when the internet is down, or power is off, or the persons home computer is not running? Not to mention the security risks of leaving a folder on your computer shared to the internet.


There is no replacement for a portable USB hard drive, definately not yet.

As for jump drives, I hardly ever use a jump drive these days, except for video backup from DVRs.

Most people I know are using Portable HDDs now also.

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And this post was about Google Apps...?

ha ha you are right!

honestly i think they are ALL useful tools for different applications and different situations ..

nothing is perfect anyway .. just use what gets the job done best for you thats all

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The idea behind Dropbox is to replace jump drives

Well the idea is flawed big time IMO.

How will they get their data when the internet is down, or power is off, or the persons home computer is not running? Not to mention the security risks of leaving a folder on your computer shared to the internet.


There is no replacement for a portable USB hard drive, definately not yet.

As for jump drives, I hardly ever use a jump drive these days, except for video backup fro. m DVRs.

Most people I know are using Portable HDDs now also.


Well your computer doesn't have to be on to get your data... internet in the states isn't normally a problem and if it is I have access to all my files on my phone which I can download and install on the computer using my phone. BTW my customers are installing IP cameras so they have internet and this isn't a problem.


I don't have to word about forgeting you hard drive or jumpdrive at home or losing it some where...


Anyway back to Google Apps

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